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01-02-12, 02:55
Hi im Lizzie
Ive never done anything like this before so quite nervous. I have had depression and anxiety for the last year and a half. Im 23 and dont really know anyone who has been through it. I live with my partner who is great but he doesnt always know what to do or say. I have no friends near by who have time to support me so i am pretty lonely. I feel like no one really knows what to do as nothing huge happened and i have had a happy life with a close supportive family. I dont know why i am this way but i just keep hoping that one day i can get back on track. At the moment i feel like my life is paused and i have no point but i dont know how to change. Anyway looking forward to meeting people who can comprehend how i am feeling and making friends. :blush:

01-02-12, 02:57
Hi lizzielonelygirl

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-02-12, 09:32
Welcome to NMP.:)

01-02-12, 19:17
:)hya lizzie , i am also suffering from anxiety and depression this is my first time on here too so i hope we can help eachother , i have been like this for the last 4 months iam takin 45mg mirtazapine and 150mg of quetiapian at the moment my life is a total mess i can`t see no light at the end of the tunnel. i worry about worrying and fret about fretting . my family are very supportive my partner is very understanding and helps all she can . i just think everything is so negative at the moment an dont no what else to do . :welcome:

01-02-12, 19:52
Thanks everyone, pleased to be here.
I know what you mean. I am such a worrier. I know that i shouldnt but i cant help myself. I have all the knowledge of what i should do re positive thinking etc but i cant seem to get there. I am totally lead by my irrational feelings instead of by my rational thoughts. There is a total disconnect between the two. Its really hard to escape when what you need to escape from is your own mind! Just try to keep a little bit of hope. Its good that you have support and i reckon that being on no more panic will provide even more. We will get there. Just dont feel like there has to be a time limit and try to feel proud of every little achievement because they often take alot. :)

01-02-12, 20:06
Hi Lizzie, welcome to NMP! It's a bit scary when you first log on isn't it, but this website is amazing, and has tons of good resources. Have you had a diagnosis of anxiety or panic disorder? Sorry to hear your support network isn't great, but you'll definitely find loads of like-minded people (who are suffering just like you) on here. Abi x

william wallace
01-02-12, 20:42