View Full Version : OMG, please help me!

01-02-12, 05:02
Hey guys.


It all started two days ago, the night before the new semester started. I was anxious and didn't get much sleep. I woke up and my stomach was very acidy and all I ate was an orange. I bought an egg sandwhich but didn't get to eat it like 6 hours later because all of my classes were back to back. i was in class from 8a-2p.

Anyways I had bad reflux all day yesterday and woke up today only feeling the same. On my way home, I decided to get off one bust stop away for a short walk. All of a sudden when I was walking down the street, I felt this weird sensation like something moved under my left chest (gas?)

Next thing I started getting a weird squeezing chest pain right in the middle of my chest which lasted for about 15-20 seconds then the panic sunk in. It felt like someone literally took their hand and put it in my chest and started squeezing. My heart started skipping/racing, and I was so scared that I was going to die on the street. I wasn't dizzy not short of breath but I felt like I couldn't breathe properly and like there was something stuck in my throat and that I would choke. I made it home after a few minutes and after a few more minutes I was okay.

Tested blood pressure which was 125/80 and my hr at the time was 110. The whole ordeal has me terrified because it was such a lovely day outside(60 degress F) and I wasn't doing anything strenuous at all.

I still have a weird pressure under my chest and I can't stop burping and I'm having ectopics. Could this just be my acid reflux and gas acting up. I told my mom and she said she gets all of my symptoms with her indigestion except she doesn't panic(like me which probably intensifies the sensations).

I've had the heart tests(Xray, Echo, EGS's) but I'm really scared. i'M ONLY 22 AND I DON'T WANNA DIE, please is there anyone who can take the time to reassure me a bit.:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

01-02-12, 05:31
The first thing I noticed is lack of sleep . That's a huge precursor to a panick for me.
You went a long time without food , and when you don't eat it does cause acid to build up in your tummy.
What you felt move could be a few things ,
Gas , or sometimes when your chest mucles spaz out you can get horriable crawling / moving sensation in your chest.
Could be caused too by the increase in heart rate , as you went from sitting to walking .
Then the chest feeling freaked you out or startled you , which sent adreline rushing through your system which triggers , the flight or fight or freeze response .
I can relate to the squeezing sensation , it's so far ONLY happened me when I panicked and then sure it scares you and your heart starts pounding .
When your heart races it makes your chest feel much much tighter and constricted.
When my heart races it makes it feel like its harder for me to breath and that for me is the scariest part. The more I focus on my breathing the more it feels like I can't breath.

Ok I'll tell you about the heart tests , if the were in anyway unusually you'd be kept at the hospital to be monitored. So really in that sense your heart is perfectly healthy.

As for the choking sensation , acid makes it worse , anxiety causes your throat mucles to tighten or spasm . It's very comon .

I've had anxiety for 11 years or more , I've had pretty much most of your symptoms .
It's sounds like panic attack , now panic attacks can differ and some can be much more intense than others . Some times they have a trigger and other times you can get one out of the blue .
I'm glad you went and had your heart checked out, it's always good to have any new symptoms checked out by a doctor :)

01-02-12, 05:45
Thanks Mishel, I appreciate you taking the time to respond. It was so scary. I'M IN BED RIGHT NOW and am so scared to sleep cuz of the burning/aching under my left chest.

I do want to correct something, I didn't go to the doc today. I've had those heart tests a few months ago(November).

I wouldn't say its a new symptom either. It was the most intense because I'VE Had this before but it wasn't as bad. The orange was what made the acid worse.

Thanks though, glad to know I'm not alone.

01-02-12, 09:15
If you have acid reflux, avoiding citrus fruits is probably a good idea! (voice of bitter experience here)

I've had loads of weird symptoms with my reflux including chest pains, rib pains, shoulder blade pains, all which make me feel very panicky. What medication are you on for your reflux?

01-02-12, 09:27
I still have a weird pressure under my chest and I can't stop burping and I'm having ectopics. Could this just be my acid reflux and gas acting up.

Yes totally ! (in a simple and short answer to your question) I have exactly what you are describing at the start of this week. Burping, ectopics, acid reflux etc.

01-02-12, 13:11
Glad you're ok and hope you got some sleep .