View Full Version : Worried again!

01-02-12, 07:23
Hi all,
Had my blood test yest morn now in a panic as to what it will come with trying to keep think positive but just keep going through everything in my head iv got the same old anxiety feelings as usual , how do I get rid of these it just gets to a point I can't think straight,
Ty j x

01-02-12, 07:31
what was the blood test for?

02-02-12, 07:35
Hi, it's just a general test with hormones iron etc.

02-02-12, 11:55
i had blood tests done couple months ago, i was hoping they would find something was wrong with my vit levels or iron or thyroid, so that i could get medication to feel better! but mine were all normal.. hormone level high, which could be peri menopause, but i am 45, so possible.... also the doc said that womens hormones change daily so they cant really read too much into the hormone level test...
Youll be fine, you get results within a few days surely.. i did.

02-02-12, 14:14
Thanks for replying I'm 40 so that's why iv had an hormone test my mum had early menopause so maybe hoping its something like that I'm getting my results soon just feel so anxious bout it tho just imaging all sorts!

02-02-12, 15:15
HI Jules, the waiting is always the hardest bit i find. But, once those results are back its w in win situation, either there is something up and they will sort it or there is nothing up and you can rest easy again. I had my first blood test in 12 years or so a few months back and i was quite disappointed that there was nothing wrong, go figure lol I guess if there had of been i could blame all my woes on that. Hang in there xxx