View Full Version : HORMONES AND ANXIETY - Estrogen dominant ?

16-06-06, 12:51
4 years ago I had hormone testing done by my gp to see if my problems could stem from my hormone levels.........
the results came back normal.

last month I decided to pay for a private clinic for a evaluation
of my hormones and today i have recieved my results as follows;

my estrogen levels are in normal range.
My progeterone levels are low, they should be a score of 100 - 600 but i scored 35 !
It tells me having plenty of estrogen and not enough progesterone will cause some of the following symptoms.......

low body tempature/fatigue/low stamina/depression/foggy thinking/anxiety/fibromyalgia/brittle nails and hair/puffy eyes/decreased sweating and constipation.

It tells me to take my evaluation report to my health care provider for treatment.



16-06-06, 13:21
wow!!Makes you think doesnt it???I remember asking my dr about hormones and he said the levels fluctate all the time ,so i wonder if thats why we have good days and bad days AND i wonder if we didnt have to PAY for these tests and it is hormonal,it would save a lot of heartache and time spent having other tests whish would then save the nhs money????My anxiety levels swnt up after the menapuse i know that much Mirry!Hope you feelinf a bit brighter chicken .love mart-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

16-06-06, 13:30
Yes it does make you think
I was wondering why i was more anxious.
I have been going through the menopause and not sleeping, hot flushes etc.
Perhaps hormone levels are responsible for my worsening anxiety.

what can be done about it tho? I cant take hormone replacement therapy because of other health problems


16-06-06, 13:44
Its left me rather concerned,
Its saying even tho my eostrogen levels are in normal range, the fact that my progesterone levels are so low, means that i am eostrogen dominant.......not a good balance.

whats even more interesting is this....

Progesterone: a hormone produced by the ovaries after ovulation and in lesser amounts by the adrenal glands. A precursor to most of the steriod hormones.
It has many vital functions, from maintaining pregnancy to regulating menstrual cycles.
It has calming and diuretic properties and enhances the beneficial effects of estrogens while preventing problems linked to estrogen excess.


16-06-06, 13:59
Hi Mirry,

That's all very interesting! Maybe you should take the results to your doctor and discuss them.

I have alot of hormone troubles and suffer from polycystic ovaries aswell and my hormones can be all over the place. I do however find that my anxiety is worst when my period is due and at this time of the month progesterone is at it's higest, so for me it's progesteron that makes me more panicky and my doctor has confirmed this. Hormones are such complicated things!

Good luck,


16-06-06, 14:41
take a look at this all about eostrogen dominance...cant belive it says it actually causes PANIC !!!


also this is the laboratory who done my hormone test........




16-06-06, 17:26
I really hope that your doctor can help you with this. I am convinced about this having an impact on your anxiety levels. I too have polycystic ovaries and dont have any menustral cycle at all so I am never sure what is happening with my hormone levels. I was going to speak to my doctor about doing some levels checks and having read your posting I am definitely gonna ask. Good luck at your doctor's appointment - hope its some positive news. x

16-06-06, 17:51
My anxiety is always ALOT worse just before and during my periods,i was told by a herbalist to have my hormone levels checked but the basic hormone tests ar not very good at spotting abnormalities and to ask for a more detailed one,i never did have one done because i couldnt face leaving the house,i think its time i had one done now. So if you do ask for a test please ask for the more thorough test,im pretty sure you can have them done on the nhs.

Also i think evening primrose oil is supposed to be very good at balancing out hormones.

Take care xx

16-06-06, 20:13
Its is well established that hormones can have a direct effect on anxiety.
Many Gps will include a hormone screen in the initial check up everyone should have when first presenting with acute anxiety.

period trouble [ladies please] (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2961)
one for the females (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3572)
ok - here's a REALLY strange question !!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4010)
girls only (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4554)
PMT PANIC (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4881)
PMT, tiredness, and feeling of unreality (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6670)
Bleuuuuuurgh -for the girls on here! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7372)
time of the month (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7421)
same time of the month, same ****! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8216)



proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

17-06-06, 07:26
Brenda, I wonder if you can take;
Transdermal progesterone cream ? its the natural way of getting the progesterone into you body without taking synthetic man made pills...
this is what i want to use because its meant to really work better than the pills without the side effects.

Lisa, my anxiety is very bad at the time of the month when progesterone is at its highest peak, but my peak was only a score of 35 so having unbalanced hormones also gives you horrible symptoms.


17-06-06, 10:38
Hi Mirry
Did you just order the test kit ? I am convinced my anxiety has something to do with hormones. I did have a blood test some years ago, and was told my hormone results were 'boarderline'.

Jenny xx

17-06-06, 15:27
Hi jenny,

yes i just ordered the saliva test kit online,
I had to collect it on day 21 of my cycle and post it back to them.


Two heads
18-06-06, 18:26
Well i can tell you all now i have been feeling terrible over the last week and got my period a few days a go.I even had panick in shop and havet had this for a while.Im going to gp to get hormone levels tested as havet been right since i had my baby last may!!xx

20-06-06, 12:34
Hi everyone,

Ive been doing alot of studying on the internet about hormones and anxiety and now i am absolutely convinced.

Oestrogen dominance is usually found in women who suffer from it but men can also suffer from it !

Then ive read about the foods we eat and the chemicals we use can also cause this condition........

Hormones and antibiotics fed to animals then are in our meats/eggs.
fruit and veg contain pesticides/chemicals .
plastics contain oestrogens.
and our household is full of nasty chemicals in polish sprays detergents/bleach ect.
ALL the above play havoc with our hormones and the way we feel:(

As i now KNOW i am lacking in progesterones
(which does cause anxiety)
I am now going to eat organic......yes on my tight budget !

Ive spoken to my husband about it and he agrees its worth a try.

some food for thought.............

apples contain 20 - 30 different chemicals on each apple!

All these chemicals are playing with our hormones causing anxiety/panic/weight gain ect.

I said to my hubby , i will cut my own hair, i will buy my clothes in a charity shop if needs be, the most important thing is eating healthy food.

Does anyone else eat organic ?


20-06-06, 13:03
Hi Mirry,
I buy organic when i can afford to,id buy everything organic if i could afford it. My ex boyfriends mother buys everything organic,she is in her seventies and in really great health!! She also uses only natural cleaning products etc...she is so anti-chemical.
I only use natural products when cleaning (vinegar and lemon are good!!) and rinse any washing up liqued off dishes completey.
Good luck with your new lifestyle,im sure it will benefit you!!:D

Take care xx

20-06-06, 13:13
Hi Mirry
Thanks for the tip about using the cream
Unfortunately I cant use any form of HRT.
I've had breast lumps and abnormal smear results so the doc said HRT is not advisable.

I think it is best to do the route of healthy eating and supplements.
I have a friend who was on HRT for 10 years. Now she is in her 60s and her doc has taken her off it.
She now has all the symptoms, hot flushes etc that she would have had years ago. Her doc told her that anybody using HRT will have to leave it off after so many years and yes you will get the symptoms.

I'm trying healthy eating and supplements, vitamins and Omega 3.6.9

Not sure about organic tho as I havent tried it.
Pam x

20-06-06, 13:33
Brenda the cream isnt HRT, apparently it natural and has no horrible side effects ....you would need to ask your doctor about it but its meant to be brill.

Purple, funny you say about cleaning products, last night i cleaned all my windows with vinegar and the kitchen floor with it also.



20-06-06, 17:35
Thanks spacecadet,

Im so glad you replied to this post, I have always purchased the odd bit of organic produce but worried about the money side of it.
Today Tesco delivered my shopping that was all organic :D
and with the organic lemons and limes (without wax) I made a lemon and lime drink and bottled it !

But your right, every thing tastes so much nicer, for lunch i had the organic bread with organic spread and organic cheese with organic salad.........it was the nicest sandwich ive ever had :D

Ive read online some people are sensitve to the pesticides and homones in our foods which can really upset the body in many ways.

I cleaned my bath with bicarb of soda and lemon juice and it came up lovely.
where do you buy ecover from ? my son has eczema so it sounds ideal.


Two heads
20-06-06, 20:48
Interesting stuff, i have learnt by reading this post. I may even give the organic stuff ago and see if it improves matters.I will keep you all posted.xxx

21-06-06, 07:09

It does make you think doesnt it , the chemicals are in so many things, .

Last night i ordered the ecover products online that spacecadet told us about , I will let you know what i think when they arrive .

I ordered all sorts, cream cleaner ,toilet cleaner, washing bleach, deoderant,all purpose cleaner ect.



21-06-06, 11:54
hi to all, this thread has really interested me as i can feel like s*** and have no anxiety and then feling like s*** due to pms which can be as long as 14 days( eg having to wear a bra 24/7, i could go on and on with list of symptoms), causes me to feel anxious/panicky!!!! i have weird sweats that are nothing to do with anxiety because i don't even get them when i'm crippled with anxiety!!! but my doc's put everything down to anxiety. this is a comlplete minefield to me, but when i am really strict with my diet for a few months eg no takeaways, alcohol, crisps, sweets etc but loads of fruit & veg and fibre and none of the above gremlins plus some linseeds and multi vit & minerals plus 1 hr exercise every other day i feel okay, but who can keep that up all of their life to try to counterbalance the problem? i do not have a clue how to feel better without putting in a massive amount of effort on my part and my purse with all the healthy stuff!!! will keep a track of this as am very interested in the ideas you've written about and especailly as my doc's have never really seemed to take my pms probs seriously it's good to hear that i'm not alone on this as well. it sometimes occurs to me whether i'll be free of all these fluctuations once i'm post menopause, but have got many years before then and don't want to feel like this untill then!!! emmas

21-06-06, 12:55
Hi Emmas, im only 37 and have had the sever symptoms for 4 years now, ive been to hospital having mamograms cos my pms got so bad.

Ive found this web site which gives a huge amount of info on the subject

Tomorrow ive got a doctors appointment about it all:D


21-06-06, 13:08
Mirry I will be very interested to hear how you get on.

I've felt for years that I was oestrogen dominate - all the classic signs, pear shape, painful boobs for 2 weeks every month, and many of the things you mention. Some of this has calmed down for me since going back on the pill for my heavy frequent periods.

Can't wait to see what your doctor makes of it all.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-06-06, 13:39
wow , Piglet thats very interesting that going on the pill has calmed it all down ! This could be because the pill has given you some of the progesterone you need ?
If its a progesterone only pill then that is good, however if it is progesterone and oestrogen then you could still be eostrogen dominant.

lol, I sound like a doctor writting all this down but its only from what ive read online [:I]

My friend is a practise nurse who works in a doctors surgery, last year she told me she had to do a well woman check up on a 38 year old lady.
The lady told her she was on the progesterone only pill and that her doctor prescribed it for her because she was suffering terrible panic attacks ,she said it was the best thing shes ever done.
My friend said to me back then, maybe you should try it but I didnt want to take pills.....this is why im hoping to get the cream.

I will let you all know what the doc says.

mirry x

P.S I feel we are really on to something here !:D


21-06-06, 13:46
i have done the sam piglet i went of my pill for a month oh boy i was more anxious.. as i thougth the pill mite make me anxious with all the hormones but my doctor said they shouldnt effect u like this...

this thread is good and helps put your mind a rest in a way were not loseing our minds lol [8D]:D

i will keep checking this thread to see any more progress for u all

emily xxx

21-06-06, 14:31
Although I do think being on the pill has helped enormously with things like the painful boobs and the water retension (I used to get that badly too - I could hardly get my rings on) I do still feel that I could be oestrogen dominant.

I only went back on the pill because of my period being every 3 weeks and so heavy and it has really helped with all that side of things and maybe a bit with the anxiety. I did try the progesterone only pill first, funnily enough but this didnt help the periods at all or the boobs and I felt more anxious not less.

When I have read little bits about this over the years I always seem to fall well and truly into the oestrogen dominant catorgories though.

What an interesting subject !!

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-06-06, 15:10
hi, the book that i read for panic does touch on this health issue as a complicating factor in panic/anxiety, but i'm also worried about taking the pill as it can kill people!!! so what else is there? my doc will just say take the pill or go away!! oh also as for ecover products, they are fab but they don't smell as nice that's all, and if you find the spray cleaner does'nt work you can use the wash liquid for everything, like cleaning the bath and shower etc emmas

21-06-06, 20:56
Piglet, apparently (according to doctor lee) ;)

taking synthetic progesterone pills for oestrogen dominance can infact cause all the same horrible symptoms because its man made [xx(]

This is where the progesterone cream comes in [Yeah!],
because it is natural (made from plants) its meant to be just like natural progesterone in the body balancing our hormones and without side effects.

Today I went into town with my hubby and I popped into the family planning center, i asked for any leaflets on PMT and was told they hold a PMT clinic ........to cut a long story short (IVE GOT AN APPOINTMENT) .

Emmas , the ecover has to smell better than vinagar lol, my kids said mum are we having chips.


22-06-06, 10:53

I have just got back from my doctor and we had a really good chat about my progesterone test.

This is what was said;

Me: I have read the reason i get bad pmt is because i have no progesterone (and my saliva test confirmed this).
Dr: We do give out the progesterone pill for bad PMT.

Me: I dont want synthetic pills (man made). I want a transdermal progesterone cream to try, because its natural made from mexican wild yam.
Dr: We dont prescribe the cream, only the surpositries or pill ,
the pill is also made from mexican wild yam but is synthetic.
This cream sounds interesting because the pill has to be given in high doses because the liver gets rid of 90 % of it. This is what gives out some horrible symptoms.

Me: what are the symptoms of too much progesterone ?
Dr: spots and headaches.
Me: oooooo i used to get spots but not anymore :D

The doctor then took my blood pressure and said he is happy for me to purchase the online cream to try, he said if it helps then it would be worth it and he understands why i want natural.
He asked me to come and let him know in 3 months time how I am doing .

Bless him, such a nice Doctor. Now Ive got to do my homework on what cream to purchase[8)]

Forgot to mention he also said , Hormones can cause terrible anxiety/panic attacks.


22-06-06, 11:12
Two Heads, did you buy any organic foods ?

I got a email saying my ecover products have been despatched :D


22-06-06, 12:48
Right well after all that interesting info I expect you keep us informed of your findings using the cream.

You're like our roving reporter really arent you Mirry hun.

Love Piglet xx

22-06-06, 14:31
yes, please keep us informed about whether the cream helps, as i feel that i've brainwashed myself to think there is NOTHING that can be done to help pms and that anxiety is what is causing the pms to be worse in first place, if you know what i mean, that it does exist but that i make it worse by re-acting to it in a panicky way, does anybody understand what i mean? no doctor i've ever spoke to at my surgery has even ever mentioned having hormone tests etc, they just completely poo poo pms as much as they don't take anxiety/panic seriously either!!! emmas

22-06-06, 19:15
I ordered the cream today , it will take up to 2 weeks to arrive, its organic too lol :D

Talking about organics, i purchased organic squash for the kids from sainsburys called ROCKS, it tastes great and works out cheap at £1.70 - £2.00 a bottle.There are all different flavours.



23-06-06, 07:24
lol Spacecadet, we got the Blackcurrunt one and love it !
I got the orange one but havent tried it yet.....do you like that one ?

Ok , this is where ive ordered my progesterone cream from;



23-06-06, 09:32
No now I like the blackcurrant one but don't like the orange one and the kids hate it.

Cos we have got too used to things laden with sugar I think, but will persevere - mind you I really like hot water with lemon juice in it and that cleans the tubes quite nicely!!

Piglet x

23-06-06, 11:30
This is very interesting ............

I have read that when a woman is pregnant she has to make very
HIGH levels of progesterone to maintain the pregnancy.

When a woman gives birth, her progesterone levels will drop suddenly - Making her at risk for " POST NATAL DEPRESSION "

So you can see how important progesterone is for mental health .


23-06-06, 11:58
Interesting ,




23-06-06, 14:18
Yes Mirry I can see the logic in that too - that's why they call it the baby blues isnt it, that sudden drop in progesterone, so it would make sense.

Keep up your investigating hun - I love it when you're on a mission.

Piglet :D

26-06-06, 12:06

My friend just phoned me to say she was reading a magazine that had an article on "AGNUS CASTUS TABLETS" saying its suppose to boost your progesterone levels :D

Have looked online and found this



26-06-06, 14:25
This is good info. My anxiety kicked up 4 notches or so 4 days ago when I started freaking out about dying....well I just started my period and my anxiety is so bad and this is the 1st time I have been this anxious since my last period so I always wondered. It is good to know I am not alone or crazy

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

26-06-06, 17:48
hi mirry

is estrogen and progesterone the same thing or are they different. have pm you as you no, so wondered if i should ask for progesterone stuff - i cant have estrogen


april tones
26-06-06, 18:03
Hi mirry and all

This is so interesting!!!!!!!
I suffer hormone related panic and anxiety
I also have fibromyalgia, have had since i had my son nearly 3 yrs ago
I had post natal depression
I wonder if this is my problem!
i spoke to doctor and she said no its plain anxiety
how much was the test? would it be best i check with doctor before using it?
My symptoms could be m,y fibro but i get terrible anxiety and panic 14 days before period,wheeziness,anxiety,boobs kill me,spots

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

26-06-06, 20:49
April you could ask your doctor but i personally know from experiance that doctors dont always know all the answers:(

But ask anyway and hopefully you will get a doctor who is honest:D

I am quite amazed how many of us suffer with our hormones
(and i thought i was the only one ).


26-06-06, 22:08
I took agnus castus for a long time to regulate my periods but it didn't really do the trick for me - apparantly you have to take it for a year to feel the full effects.

In the end I had to send in the big boys!!! ([:I]that sounds a bit smutty doesn't it)!!


Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-06-06, 08:25

i often wonder about these herbal claims [8)]


27-06-06, 09:08

Piglet xx

04-07-06, 18:15
Just to let you know, today I recieved my progesterone cream :D

It says to do a small skin test to make sure i dont have a reaction,
So i put some on my face at 1pm and no reaction.

Its difficult to say how long the cream will last,
Im supposed to use it day 12 of my cycle to day 26 using 1/4 teaspoon in the morning and at night.

will let you know how it goes ;)


04-07-06, 18:17
forgot to mention today is day 15 in my cycle and already i have the unwanted symptoms of breast pain and feeling irratable.



04-07-06, 21:05
Hi Mirry,

Do you know if this cream is alright if you have had a hysterectomy, which I have had. I was just wondering because obviously I don't have a monthly cycle so there would be a question as to when to take it.
Jenny xxxxx

04-07-06, 21:09
Hi Jenny,

It says if you do not have monthly cycles you can still use it for menopause relief ect. It may say more on the website..

mirry x


05-07-06, 07:37

Last night I was reading the leaflet which said, if you have bad tummy pain before your period ,rub a small bit of progesterone cream on your tummy. So as my breasts were sore I decided to rub the cream there.

Well I cant belive this, 10 mins later the pain had GONE :D
Im delighted, I woke up this morning and rubbed in some more and its weird, they have that heavy feeling still but no pain :D


05-07-06, 11:08
certainly worth looking in to, might explain alot of things, i had the baby blues for a long time after i had my son (who is now eight).


05-07-06, 12:07
Wow Mirry that sounds really good!!

Let us know how it all continues.

Love Piglet x

05-07-06, 12:35
Can I say who ever started this post is absolute genuis. I have been on the pill for 16 years and I came off it in January. I had never suffered before with anxiety or panic attacks but since then I have suffered. I seem to be worse a day before I'm due and then whilst I'm on. The doctor said the way I was feeling was nothing to do with it but it seems he may be wrong.

Thank you


05-07-06, 13:08
Piglet , I will notify you of any changes, sometimes things are just too embarrasing to mention on here but I will mention them if I have to [:I]

Rach,Thanks for the compliment. It just got me thinking why do more women suffer anxiety rather than men ? It has to be hormonal I would think.

Does anyone know the percentage of women and men sufferers ?


09-07-06, 15:23
Hi , just come on here to report the creams definately helping me .

The breast pain is still gone........now this has never happened before:D
Now I have read something very interesting online today,


If you have LOW cholesterol, you will not be able to make progesterone.

I find this amazing because last year I had my cholesteral taken in my local chemist and they said it was the lowest they had ever seen !
I scored a 3.00.


think I will also do a seperate post on this.


09-07-06, 16:40
I have been reading up on this and low progesterone levels reduce serotonin from going into your brain. This has got me really excited because its all starting to make sense with me now. In 1997 i had a miscarriage and 6 months later i fell pregnant again and had a ectopic. I never felt right again, after this happened the anxiety come on a couple of years later. I was diagnosed with post natal depression after the ectopic but the doc gave me a big bottle of Valium and sent me home which i chucked in the bin. I am worse before my periods. My anxiety increases so much. I have just been reading if your progesterone levels are low you might not be ovulating even if you have a period so i am going to buy a thermometer to check to see if my temp rises. I will test this for a couple of months. I have never fell pregnant since so perhaps im not ovulating and now im too old anyway. Post Natal Depression is caused by low progesterone levels. It would be great if i could find the answers to my problems.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hormones

Long before scientists knew about neurotransmitters, there were hormones to explain people's behaviour. Today, it is becoming increasingly apparent that hormones and neurotransmitters are a highly intimate and interactive family. And when it comes to serotonin, the sex hormones are its most conspicuous bedfellows.

Testosterone antagonizes serotonin; it prefers dynamic dopamine. Oestrogen has mixed, hard-to-read feelings, though its affection for sanguine norepinephrine and its antagonism to serotonin-boosting vitamin B6 are clear.

Progesterone is one of the best friends serotonin ever had, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and an inhibitor of serotonin breakdown all in one (Chouinard et al., 1987).

All these hormones have been used clinically in ways suggestive of their neurotransmitter effects: oestrogen to lift mood and, combined with progesterone, stabilize bipolar mood swings (Chouinard et al., 1987); progesterone to tame sex offenders and other violent criminals and (controversially) premenstrual syndrome; testosterone to put a tiger in the tank of both men and women (Newbold, 1975).

Too much of any one hormone can be as disturbing as too little (Baumel, 1995). High oestrogen levels, for example, promote obsessive-compulsive disorder in some women (Weiss et al., 1995). A careful balance of all sex hormones -- preferably from well-tolerated natural sources such as phytoestrogen-rich foods (soybeans, flax seeds), natural micronized progesterone or the steroid hormone precursors DHEA and pregnenolone -- seems to be the prescription with the most potential
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

09-07-06, 16:48
Carol, you certainly deserve some answers.
I find it incredible how many people suffer on here with hormones and our doctors are useless.
After I produced the evidence to my doctor he just sat and agreed !

I feel so much happier knowing why I am like I am, ok yes Ive had a hard life but then so have most people. I feel like Im a strong person really but this anxiety is just so powerfull and knocks my confidence.

I have been using the progesterone for a week now, and will try to get my cholesterole levels up eating some oily fish and the odd bit of cream (its so difficult lol).


09-07-06, 16:58
Thanks for that Mirry hopefully we will find the answers. I have had a hard life but i dont dwell on my past and when im not anxious im a happy go lucky person thats why i think its hormonal with me. I love having a laugh and i love life thats why anxiety has hit me so hard. I have always been a giggler and had a good sense of humour but anxiety and panic has changed my personality so much. I have picked myself up after so many hard situations in my life so why cant i now get through this after six years of suffering.
My dad always says this family has been through so much you pick yourself up and start again but i cant and my dad doesnt understand at all. I dont go and see him as much because of his comments like he will say "what you panicking for". It doesnt matter how many times i explain to him he doesnt get it.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

09-07-06, 17:10
Well hold in there Carol, hopefully with all this new information we will get sorted and then sort out the Doctors lol.

Like ive said its only been 7 days but I cant help but get excited,
Ive lost 2lb this week which is strange because ive eaten many naughty foods this week [^] and I am pre menstrual.
My irritability has gone and my breasts dont hurt at all !
This really is a miracle for me and the best thing is it takes up to 3 months to build up.

I also think people just dont understand panic attacks so its best to just say I suffer vertigo or low blood pressure.

Thanks for the usefull information .


09-07-06, 17:12
Mirry i am really happy the cream is working, i seen some on Ebay quite cheap so i might try some but i will check with my Doc first. Hope things work out for you and the rest of us.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

09-07-06, 20:25
Mirry this is really worth monitering and I wonder if we could have an overall reacap say in 3 months time.

Before I went back on the pill my boobs were unbelievably painful for 2 weeks of every month and I couldn't even take my bra off. Obviously for me the pill has sorted all this out (taking it for my heavy irregular periods at the moment) but I don't want to be taking it forever so this cream is something for me to bear in mind for the future.

I too used to be like Rach and felt rough before and during my period too. I was led to believe that should feel better once your period starts cos hormonally things are on the up again. I didn't find this with me but that could be cos they were so heavy that I just simply felt rough losing that much blood - sorry to any guys reading this is, way too much info!!!!

Anyway the whole oestrogen/progesterone thing really interests me so I will want to know how you progress with it.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-07-06, 23:15
hi all
just got pc back after virus so only just seen post
very interestin i too have po;y cystic ovaries and alway s had irregular cycle since about 18 got psocs diagnosed when anxiety peaked 2 yrs ago so always thought link am havin bad panics at mo feel related too misscarriage 2 mnths ago i no i have high levels in testosterone as i am the bearded lady in your local cirus i try to buy organic as much as the purse allows and will defo consider cleanin stuff might see about havin hormone levels tested
where can i do this
take care all

17-07-06, 11:43


My monthly came without all the horrible symptoms, infact it was very light :D also my irratibility never came.

But today I have had some severe dizzy spells, so no improvement there yet :(

I have ordered 3 more tubs.


17-07-06, 14:38
Well definate signs of improvment there Mirry and its only early days yet.

Even if it only helps with one or two aspects thats brilliant. I feel a tad dizzy today too but I think its the heat with me.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-07-06, 17:15
Hi piglet,

my hubby said its the heat but I felt maybe its my blood pressure ?

Mind you its 32 [8D] and Im feeling fed up cos the morgage company wont lend us any more money to get the house we want :(
As you know i dont work alot of hours, but my daughter has the smallest bedroom 6 x 6 and is out growing it fast.

I better make more jewellery and stop waffling on lol.


17-07-06, 17:53
Well it could be the heat hun couldn't it!! I am mega wilting here and it's piglet number 2's brithday today - it was just as flippin hot 17 years ago when I had her and I have still have trouble sitting down without wincing lol :D:D:D

We're a bit like you with one of our bedrooms really - we can't have guests over a certain height in there unless they sleep with their feet out the door :D:D:D

Sorry to hear about the disappointment over the mortage - I remember something similiar years ago, stressful and disappointing. Maybe its fate though and another house even nicer will come up.

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

25-07-06, 14:58
hi just to add to this low progersterone thing i went to see a gynacologist as i have been having spotting/light bleeding upto 10 days before my period is due....he told me its related to low progesterone levels after ovulation or even cycles where i dont ovulate(not checked hormone levelsthough) but as hes a gynacologist i trust he recognises this and can identify my problem...however my panic and anxiety stems from stopping the pill last year since then i have felt rubbish with panic attacks etc...so i really wonder if our hormones are contributing to our anxiety levels...
one thing im not too sure of though is meds he has given me called provera i think...a mild progesterone pill which i take day 14 onwards...then go back to see him in a couple of months...i wonder if this will help my anxiety too...or make it worse!!???

25-07-06, 16:59
Blimey! This topic is ringing alarm bells..... I had a miscarriage last November and swear that I have not felt right since. Physically I seem to be ok but the anxiety levels have been much higher since and I only yesterday discussed this with my husband who agreed. I am definitly not the same as I was before the miscarriage. Having read the previous posts I'm sure that the hormones must be playing a part in all of this.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it yet but I do see a homeopath fairly regularly and will be asking her some questions about the hormone levels, she'll know far more than my GP.


25-07-06, 17:51
back in 1997 age 27/28 i started having period probs they became irregular and heavy and thats when i started feeling really poorly,it took my doc 6 visits to find out in the end i was badly anemic,i felt really sick and drained which my gp told me was anxiety,i asked if it was hormonal he said i was daft coz i was too young,i got put on drugs for the so called anxiety which created real anxiety,i was left on seroxat for 6 years.2002 after having another fainting do my gp finally referred me to a gyne,i had cysts on my ovaries,fibroids,severe dyskariosis,menoraggia,enlarged uterus and other endo abnormalities,had a hyst in sept 2000.
i was refused hrt untill 2002 i was told i had anxiety/depression and no hormone probs even after the gyne report and hyst.
I now have seen my medical records and in 1998 when i had asked for a hormone test,it had come back abnormal but my gp had chose to ignore it,my fsh was 13.5 and my lh was 36.5 suggestive of pcos which i know i had after my hyst.
All this and all my problems were diagnosed as anxiety/depression and palmed off with a mind altering drug for 6 year of which 22 mths off i still have damage from.......id say megga negligence,come on docs get with women and hormones and stop palming us off with mental illness we havn,t got .

25-07-06, 17:52
sorry 2000 after another fainting do couldnt go back and change it

25-07-06, 18:22
Well isn't that a interesting tidbit of information.. I've actually had progesterone issues for the past 8 years.. as well as increased testosterone levels.. and yep my estrogen was normal.. I had seen an encroconologist back in 99 who diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.. but he was a reall jack@$$ who basically dismissed my pear shape body as a need to stop eating as much as he supposed I do.. did I mention uptil I was 20 I was a recovering drug addict and Bulemic.. suddenly started gaining weight for no apparent reason.. THS checked out normal.. only mess seemed to be in my hormones.. but he sent me on my merry way with a script for Glucophage which is used commonly to treat PCOS symptoms but not the cause..

Lo and Behold it's 2006 and I'm being evaluated for Fibromyaglia now... this is one of those time I'd really like to smack someone.. like the doctors that never listened or answered my questions the first time around..

Lack of progesterone can do nasty things.. they actually had me on progestorne pills for 2 years 10 days per month to induce my menstrual cucle.. *curses her doctors again*

And every day something else says "affects more women than men" how about looking at those progesterone levels and figure out WHY they are falling and failing.. *grumbles again*


25-07-06, 18:57
trina deeplt sympathise hun its not good when you have suffered because docs didnt want to listen,i knew at the time my monthlies had gone to cock but i was told"you are too young" yeah right ok wheres that rule book?.Early menopause runs in the family my mum,gran and both sisters hit it in thier early 30s but he still laughed at me,so am i bitter and angry? yep too dam right i am,and like you said aint it funny how lots more affect women than guys????
Im now worse off than i was origionally thanks to not beeing listened too but hey we are only women eh?

26-07-06, 12:26
hi i have just purchased serenity for women natural progesterone cream online at 29.99...mirry when you read this does this sound right??
as there was that many different creams i wasnt sure which to buy i know this is expensive but if it helps im willing to pay for it...
i was prescribed provera (progesterone pills from g.p but have since read the side effects and decided to opt for the natural approach...i will let you know how i get on

26-07-06, 14:56
Hi whenwillthisend,

Its not easy deciding which one to buy is it.

I nearly purchased the serenity one but in the end choose
"oasis serene" from the states. It takes 3 weeks to arrive so best to order more than one tub and costs about £16 per tub with delivery included. Ive ordered 3 tubs that should arrive anyday now :D.
Let me know how you get on because I felt some difference in the first week using it.


28-07-06, 12:02
hi just to let you know about a excellent book for anyone interested in natural progesterone and explains the natural way to alleviate all hormone related problems from PMS to menopause and a lot more....
i got it from the same site i ordered my progesterone cream from

the book is called 'Natural Progesterone' and it is by Anna Rushton & shirley bond

30-07-06, 11:58
when you get it, let us know how u get on.

my 3 tubs arrived saturday :D
its exciting because this is my second cycle using it and so far so good !

It really helps my breast pain alot. I use the top dose ........
1/2 teaspoon in the morning and 1/2 lunchtime and 1/2 evening.
Another thing is ,it helps me sleep better.


31-07-06, 19:16
feeling so pre menstral at the moment,

got my progesterone cream and have nearly overdosed on the stuff lol,
I need to get my happy levels UP, it worked last month so am very hopefull.:D oh to be a woman :(


31-07-06, 20:52
ive had pa for a year now, 3 months ago i was put on a progesteron pill treatment for a fibroid two weeks later my anxiety had nearly cleared up completely strange dont you think?

01-08-06, 07:34
Rania, thats very encouraging , thank you for sharing that.

Did you suffer with your monthlys ? I know its a personal question but I am curious to know if you were lacking in progesterone........
do you think you were ?


01-08-06, 12:55
hi just wondered if Rania has had any side effects from the progesterone pill??? my gynacologist wants me to take it for low progesterone ( want to try the cream first which hasnt yet arrived).... went to see g.p yesterday had he advised me to take prog pill has there isnt enough progesterone in the cream...but i have read otherwise!
im so pre menstrual at minute and my anxiety is through the roof and im 1 day late....
i know i have a hormonal problem as i had difficulty conceiving my last child and had bleeding problems for the first couple of months and since i had him 1.5 years ago i have brown spotting(sorry) for 1 week (been nearly 2 weeks recentley) befor start of period!!
sorry to go on but im feeling really strongley at minute about hormonal problems causing my anxiety...i hope the cream works as im scared i will get side effects with the progesterone pill

02-08-06, 14:21
what us girls go through,i have been a very anxiuos person for years but this last year i thought i have been going crazy my gp said its the menapause my hormones are a bit all over the place

04-08-06, 12:45


14-08-06, 11:04
well today is the first day of using my progesterone cream..........i hope it helps as i dont want to go on the progesterone pill

14-08-06, 11:31
Ive used mine 2 months now, it has made my cycle more regular, cos I was spotting for 7 days before my actual period.

The breast pain has come and gone, its very strange but does seem to help reduce the severity.
I notised I felt calmer whilst using the cream and my usual irritability is not so bad.

My anxiety levels have reduced only slightly :( and my weight hasnt reduced yet :(

Having said all this, they say you need to use it for 3 months to feel the benifits. If it dont help I will be devastated cos I do not want toxic pills [xx(]


14-08-06, 12:37
mirry, my problem is the spotting before period, and your experience with the cream is encouraging, so im crossing my fingers....i dont want pills either, has i keep googling the horrible side effects...
we can only give it time i suppose...

01-12-07, 17:01
oh my god...i think you've all given me the answer, have had an feeling my pmt and anxiety were linked, am certain now. Am seein my GP monday, and will ask for my hormone levels to be checked. Special thank u to Mirry, how r u now? x

06-05-09, 10:34
I was recently having anxiety and panic attacks. My GP did blood tests which showed I was going through the menopause and my oestrogen levels were very high.She started me on low dose hrt - oestrogen only - as I have had a hysterectomy but still have my ovaries. It took about 3 weeks for them to kick in but after 10 good days I am having bad anxiety and sleeplessness with hot flushes again. Does anyone have any ideas? I am at my wits end!!

06-05-09, 11:52
4 years ago I had hormone testing done by my gp to see if my problems could stem from my hormone levels.........
the results came back normal.

last month I decided to pay for a private clinic for a evaluation
of my hormones and today i have recieved my results as follows;

my estrogen levels are in normal range.
My progeterone levels are low, they should be a score of 100 - 600 but i scored 35 !
It tells me having plenty of estrogen and not enough progesterone will cause some of the following symptoms.......

low body tempature/fatigue/low stamina/depression/foggy thinking/anxiety/fibromyalgia/brittle nails and hair/puffy eyes/decreased sweating and constipation.

It tells me to take my evaluation report to my health care provider for treatment.



What an interesting result, particularly as I have all the above plus the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.....I may well need to go and get myself checked too. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Ali x