View Full Version : Traces of Blood in urine driving me crazy

01-02-12, 09:17
Hi All,

I had an appointment for a blood test today morning and took some urine sample as well. The nurse said I have trace of blood in the urine, there is nothing to be concerned about and she will send it for further analysis.
Why would they send it for analysis if there are no concerns?

Recently, about 3 months back ( November 2011) I was admitted to hospital due to acute cholesystitis. They recommended removing the gall bladder, but I turned down the surgery. Now I am really worried if all my internals are messed up.
I am having a lot of health anxiety since then.

I think I am gonna be worried till I hear the results back. Oh what a life.

Thanks all.

01-02-12, 09:20
I assume they will be analysing to see if you have a UTI and if so, what antibiotics you need.

01-02-12, 14:25
I get this most times I have a urine test done. In fact I was supposed to get mine re-tested but keep forgetting and this was since November so I think I would be pretty poorly by now if it was serious so I wouldn't worry too much.

It does happen to some people more than others and I am one of them

01-02-12, 14:26
Oh and interestingly enough the doc was concerned about gall stones with me hence the urine test but the pain went away so I guess it was all ok

01-02-12, 16:40
Hi All,

I had an appointment for a blood test today morning and took some urine sample as well. The nurse said I have trace of blood in the urine, there is nothing to be concerned about and she will send it for further analysis.
Why would they send it for analysis if there are no concerns?

Recently, about 3 months back ( November 2011) I was admitted to hospital due to acute cholesystitis. They recommended removing the gall bladder, but I turned down the surgery. Now I am really worried if all my internals are messed up.
I am having a lot of health anxiety since then.

I think I am gonna be worried till I hear the results back. Oh what a life.

Thanks all.

What were your symptoms of cholecystitis? I have pain a lot of the time but ive put that down to my surgery on my spleen 5months ago. However, whenever i have a urine test they find blood and i get so panicky about it :( However i had an ultrasound in Dec and all was ok, and a CT scan in November and that was ok too. How long does it take to develop or can it happen suddenly? Have heard one dr mention it when discussing my symptoms but they never went any further.

Drives me crazy :unsure:


01-02-12, 20:53
I've had my urine checked and it showed blood and nitrates but when it went for further testing it was completely clear of everything! Was told that sometimes the dipsticks docs use are a bit sensitive and not always right!

01-02-12, 21:23
Thanks all for your reply.

---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

Hi Charlotte,

If I were to begin at the beginning, I was having a high fever about 12 years back ( ie 2000). I was in India back then and doctors suspected Typhoid etc etc and all turned negative. I was on antibiotics for a month and the fever came down slowly.
Out of curiosity, I went to a traditional Indian doctor ( Ayurvedic Doctor), who checked my pulse ( they use 3 fingers) and told me that, my pitta was very high and my gall bladder is messing up my system. He also warned me of greasy stools, which I had since the fever. He also recommended various remedies, which I brushed aside.
I used to have heavy bloating and felt gassy most of the times, which I attributed to stress.

Then things moved on.

One and a half years back, I had a terrible pain in the whole tummy, with a lot of vomitting and gas. I rushed to the A&E, and was checked by a nurse. He said my tummy felt OK, and sent me back home. I vividly recall having greasy chips dipped in mayo and mustard and sour cream for almost a week continuosly. I took rest at home for a couple of days and things settled down.
Third day, I had a heavy pain in the stomach, possibly because of a stone passing.

Again, this november, I had a lot of pizza dripping in spicy oil and boiled eggs and a lot of fatty items for a week. Then 7th November around 1:30 AM, I had a massive stomach ache with lots of gas. It was like there was a gas plant inside producing lots of gas. Vomitted terribly as well.
Again went to A&E. Was X-rayed, blood tested and sent home as all was normal. I couldnt go to work due to the pain, and stayed at home for 2 days feeling all miserable. Then 9th November, I felt a bit better in the morning and went to work. Around 10:30AM, the pain became severe and had to come back home. Also had a high fever about 38.5 degrees. The GP thought it was appendicitis and sent me to A&E again.
Once inside A&E, they checked the BP. It was 180/120 or something ( I remember 180).Pulse was around 140 and racing. The pain was of scale 10/10. They hooked me to the ECG, out me on drips and sent me for a UT scan, where they told me I had stones in the gall bladder.
I was subsequently sent for an X-ray and a CT scan, which confirmed the gallstones and an enlarged gall bladder, which was infected and causing all the problems.

So, if it is a gallstone issue, the pain is beyond comparison. I consulted Dr Google, and few women have commented that the pain is worse than labour pain. But as a man, I can tell you- its terrible. You cant breathe, stand up, sit down, lie down - nothing helps. I felt better only when they gave me morphine.

The consultants had offered to remove the gallbladder by surgery, and since I know what my luck is like, I did not go for it.

And now here I am worrying and anxious over stuff.

The problem is, you do it, its a problem. You dont do it, its a bigger problem.

Hope this helps and sorry about the long post.

Please feel free to post back if you have any queries.

Sometimes I wonder if I should have stuck to the recommendation of the traditional doctor whom I met !!!