View Full Version : God, Please tell me I'm not going to die.

01-02-12, 10:41
Well, here I go again.

I've had mouth problems for a while and according to the specialist (yes, consultant specialist at the dental hospital) I've been grinding but I have a new mouth gaurd and the symptoms are still there. You know I've been thinking he worst so don't have to tell you that.

I have swollen front gums that hurt and I have a stuffy nose that hasn't cleared for 2 months. Can these be signs of anxiety? Do you have a stuffy nose or swollen gums due to worry?

I am stuggling so hard to get on with life since these symptoms just haven't gone away and I feel I have no concrete answer to why they are there :(

01-02-12, 11:37
Well, I'm not god :roflmao: but I have a few thoughts.

Even people with anxiety can have a few real health problems. You are describing swollen gums and a stuffy nose, and I really don't think that jumping to 'I'm going to die' is logical - but then you know that. :winks:

Your symptoms could be from being anxious (say tooth grinding and hyperventilating causing rhinitis) or they might not be from anxiety. Instead, for example, they might be a real allergy, gum disease etc. etc.

The point is here, you have to try and rationalise the minor problems you have. It is REALLY hard not having a concrete answer to your concerns right now, as the mind goes off on a doom and gloom route, but if there was any concern that you had anything life-threatening then it would be obvious to a specilist. You need to relate these concerns to your specialist, so that she/he can put your mind at rest. Have you had xrays done ? have you seen an ENT at all ? When are you next seeing your specialist ?

01-02-12, 11:43
i am god, and ur not going to die :D.. anyways with anxiety mate u focus on ur fear.. say for instance ur scared of heart attacks.. u get heart palps beacsue ur body is focusing on that specific area.I dont think ur going to die due to ur gums.. if a specialist says ur ok, ur ok :P.. take care x

Vanilla Sky
01-02-12, 11:44
Could be sinus problems

01-02-12, 11:54
Hi i agree it sounds like it could be your sinus's, have you been to your doctor? if you've got a sinus infection a simple course of antibiotics will clear it up and your NOT going to die i promise you xx

01-02-12, 12:13
i am god, and ur not going to die :biggrin:. Nice one Kevin :roflmao:!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, not thought of sinuses, a def. possibility.

01-02-12, 13:24
I had a runny nose for 3 months that did not go away and it turned out I am allergic to everything in my apartment (dust, mold, and my cat). I had no idea I was, as I never had issues before. But now I just take a pill every day and it is gone mostly.

01-02-12, 16:31
Aw, thanks guys. Sometimes you just need someone to snap you out of it. I am going for a ct scan next week so lets hope it revels the mistery minor problem. I have been on anti biotics for sinusitus and they didn't work, also had a tooth (biggun) taken out last week that is directly below my sinus', it's a long twisted story. I also have a 7 month old and a 2 year old so life is tough enough without me, my brain and the problems on top but hey, thats life. Thankyou again, it is so nice to have some support from people who understand.