View Full Version : Too scared to go to the doctor

01-02-12, 12:08
Is anyone else too afraid to go to the doctor incase of what they might say? My friends keep telling me to go for a blood test just to put my mind at ease over leukemia but I'm terrified incase I actually have it!! ARGH.

01-02-12, 12:20
Me!! I was just about to post the same thing!!...I wish I could go to the GP like everyone else does here but im just to scared incase there is something wrong with me other than Health Anxiety!!
I feel your pain Marymac!

01-02-12, 12:34
So glad I'm not alone! I'm getting so much worse, it seems like everytime I look I have a new symptom. I just want to be ok again! But I'm scared that if I go to the doctor they'll tell me Im not going to be ok!

01-02-12, 12:48
Your not alone:)

Im supposed to go for my 3yearly mammogram on monday and TBH Im in such a flap about it i will prob cancel:ohmy: The worry its putting me through and then the 2 weeks wait for results is NOT worth the stress and anxiety Im feeling right now......on top of that my mums really ill........my ex-husband is mucking about and Im struggling to sell the house (he still lives in!) and thats been going on 4 years:ohmy: my hubby and his brother who own a garage/mot station are at logger heads so thats going to be sold next month arggggg!!!!!! I cant cope!!!!! If I cancelled my mammogram I would make another appt later on in year BUT my HA tells me if I dont go and then I find a lump it will be my fault....I hate feeling like this!!!!!:mad:

01-02-12, 13:21
I used to be like that. I would freak out about health problems but I would not go to the doctor for fear of the results. Then for some reason I flip-flopped and now if something is wrong I go all the time because I am scared of the worst. I think it's because my mom passed away and although there was nothing anybody could have done, docs included, I now obsess over finding symptoms and signs at the earliest stage. It is rough either way.

01-02-12, 15:26
I bit the bullet and made an apt for Friday. Arghh!! I don't even know what I'm going to say, other than HELP PLEASE TELL ME I'M NOT DYING!!!! Heheh.

01-02-12, 15:28
I bit the bullet and made an apt for Friday. Arghh!! I don't even know what I'm going to say, other than HELP PLEASE TELL ME I'M NOT DYING!!!! Heheh.

Good work MaryMac !

You're being so courageous- it is a big challenge and you're being very brave !

01-02-12, 15:29
Thanks Bluebelle!! I'll let you know how I get on. :) xx

02-02-12, 07:55
I used to have exactly the same problem!! And I'd worry so much so that in the end i'd make myself feel ten times worse!! The problem with anxiety is that we all believe that we have these massive things wrong with us, but the thing is we would KNOW if there was something really wrong!!!! That I can guarantee you. However when i used to worry over going to the doctor's I made myself go, and it was the biggest relief when he got my blood results and told me I was perfectly healthy, it was even worth the few weeks wait!! You should definitely go, not because I think you have it..But because it'll make you feel better then you have in months. I really hope you feel better soon x