View Full Version : anyone else feel an ache or pain everyday???

01-02-12, 12:35
Hi Im Kate and new to posting although I have been a lurker for a few years on and off. Im 41 with 5 children and Health Anxiety which is high maintenance at the moment :blush:
I cant remember ever having a day that I dont feel somesort of pain or symptom :mad:..
Just wondered if im the only one!!!

My latest obsession is bowel /recal/anal cancer and its doing my head in!..I have a fissure which has been playing up for a while now and ive obviously decided its anal cancer even though I do go for a month or 2 with it being cleared up only to tear again after a bout of constipation!!

Ha ha nice to meet you all to :blush::blush::blush:

01-02-12, 13:45
Hello Kate :)

I have symptoms every day too! Always a niggle/ache/pain to worry about... I too am fretting about bowel cancer at the minute. I have convinced myself that I have it (just like I've convinced myself with ovarian/brain tumours!)

01-02-12, 19:28
Hi All
Yep I have exactly the same, it is so exhausting... Causing a huge strain on my marraige as my husband wants to help but can do nothing so gets angry and frustrated, leaving me feeling like I shouldn't talk to him about it. But that just makes things worse as it builds up in my head that I have something serious and then suddenly explodes! Not good, would love to have a miracle cure, it just takes over everything...
Good luck to you all x

03-02-12, 06:57
Kate in 2010 I had a fissure so bad ( I couldnt sit after going #2 for about an hour) that I thought for sure it was cancer... I went to 7 doctors and all kinds of tests and ended up in surgery... A month after surgery I was 100% better and still to this day have not seen any blood in my stools or had any of the old pains.. Lately I have been having a pain in my right side a poking pain up by my ribs and I'm convinced that it was anal cancer that stopped growing on my ass and spread to my liver! I spend all day pushing on my side and trying to figure out if the pain is on the skin ribs or deeper.... Before this I was sure I had ALS and before that It was parkensons.

03-02-12, 08:40
Hi Kate,

Im exactly the same (although only have the one child - age 2!)Im 28 and in August i had a routine op which went very wrong (he made a mistake and cut my spleen, i ended up with major 4 hour emergency surgery+2 blood transfusions). Since then EVERY SINGLE DAY i am convinced i am going to die. I always think 'it's not IF i die, it's WHEN i die'... As soon as i open my eyes im consumed by it. I mentally scan my body looking out for where i have pain (which is usually somewhere in my abdomen but recently the chest). Two weeks ago i had a HUGE amount of blood in the toilet after going, and i was shaking ALL day. I know i have a large fissure (my dr found it) but i was convinced i was bleeding internally and kept reading on google that a fissure would just produce a little bit of blood on the tissue. It wasnt until i asked on here, that people reassured me.

Good luck hun, im feeling it too...

Charlotte x

jo h
03-02-12, 09:54

I too have a pain of some sort every single day and worry to death its been a dull ache in my heat area the last 2 days and is usually some sort of chest pain i wish i could have a pain free day just once so know exactly how u feel


03-02-12, 16:17
Hi Kate I've been worrying about bowel cancer for two weeks now despite numerous Dr's appointments and the not to be mentioned testing of the sample(yuck). Everything came back peachy-if such a thing can ever be described as peachy, yet here I am poking and prodding my belly for unexplained pains. Have also been waking up with neck/shoulder pain for last three days-I have thus far been unable to imagine anything particularly life threatening yet, but will no doubt keep trying. Take care I'm sure you'll be fine.

03-02-12, 17:39
Hiya Kate.

I have constant aches and pains around my chest and left shoulder. And intermittent jaw pain all on a daily basis (and more to mention) and also 24/7 muscle twitching.

03-02-12, 17:54
I have headaches and dizzy spells every day, also tinnitus and blurred vision. I am convinced I have a brain tumour but never visit the dr after a breakdown over a cancer scare ten years ago :( Health anxiety ruins my life.

03-02-12, 18:35
there is always some thing with me every day, at the moment is alot of head pressure on top of my head last few days, seems to get worst by dinner time, 5"oclock onwards, with the odd pain in my chest and arm, shoulder.
last week pain in pelvic area, really sharp pain like some one was stabn a large needle in me, with lower back pain. so there was me thinking i had some sort of cancer, so there isnt a day that goes by with out pain worry , scared, please please let me have a good day

lots of hugs


03-02-12, 19:50
Thanks so much for all the replies!!!:D
Ive had quite a good day today after reading up on here yesterday and seeing there are lots of people in the same boat as me .... I've also make huge effort not to google today which i think has played a big role in my good day!! |I am admittedly a google queen my biggest downside of all.

kate x

03-02-12, 19:54
My Dr calls it Cyberchondria :)

04-02-12, 19:41
I have an ache or pain everyday, Kate. They even sneak up on me when I am doing well and not even consciously thinking about my anxieties which makes them all the worse. Well done for not googling today. Its just one day at a time isn't it. x

04-02-12, 21:14
i am the same every pain which is probably normal for some people is the worse thing that can happen for m.

04-02-12, 22:44
Yes Kate, everyday without fail. I long for a day when I feel happy and healthy. I'll keep trying though :D
