View Full Version : Recommendations for lower back problems?

01-02-12, 13:37
Hi all, so I have been having a lot of lower back and hip problems, which, at 23, I don't think I should have. It happens when I have been sitting at my desk for a while or driving, so I am pretty sure it is muscular. It began when I switched locations at work to a less busy location, so I am at my desk all day instead of running around. My sister has the same issue and that is what her chiropracter says. She just suggested getting up every hour or so and moving around.

I think I have done a little muscle damage though, as it's taking some time to heal. I am trying to get up, do some yoga stretches every so often, but I still am having some pain. It really goes away on the weekends when I am not in the office.

Does anybody have any advice? Should I get a certain type of pillow or something?

Also part of me (tiny voice) is yelling "You have ovarian cancer, that is why you can feel your groin lymph node too" and I am trying to quiet that voice, as again pretty sure it's muscular, but it would be reassuring to know if anybody is in the same place.

01-02-12, 16:38
Hi I also have lower back problems. Last year i ve seen chiropractor and she said it's all down to weak, pelvic muscles. there are 3 main group why to suffer from this, women who have a sitting down job like you and me also who has been through child birth (also me) and can't remember the 3rd one. But there are some exercises you can do to strengthen this muscular group i think if you put it i Google it will come up with some ideas. Also your sitting up position is important and don't bend your back when you lifting stuff but your knees.

01-02-12, 17:44
It is such a pain (haha) isn't it! I am also a student too, so after work i sit in 3-6 hours of class, which cannot help I guess.

One of my coworkers sits on one of those exercise balls instead of a chair, do you think that may be helpful? The problem is that I am short!! She is really tall and I tried hers but my legs did not reach the ground so I kept falling off, haha.

01-02-12, 17:54
i had something similar last year....but mine was damage to my SI joint after a fall....it is also to do with pelvic muscles,sacral nerves and sciatic nerves.....they are all so close that one can trigger pain in the other.
google SIJD and it should bring up some exercizes you can do to stregnthen your muscles.I did alot in physio and it was a long road,but it is much better now....try heat rubs and/or ice on the sore muscles.....(alternating between thee two helps)

01-02-12, 19:24
I've had back problems for years...what helps is to do morning stretches first thing when you get up. Here is good video that I do (the guy in it is kinda cheesy!) but the stretches are wonderful for your low back pain.


Hope this links works for you!

01-02-12, 21:33
hey there, you mentioned you do yoga every now and then, just wondering how much or how little as if you persist with yoga it does strenghthen the lower back muslcles and really helps

i suffered from lower back pain last year, it was so bad at one point that i couldnt walk, part of that was due to stress and the nerves being pinched but yoga really helped me out.

you should really do 5-10 mins a day. :)

02-02-12, 12:54
I am trying to work it into my daily routine. What poses help strengthen those muscles the best?

02-02-12, 13:44
It is such a pain (haha) isn't it! I am also a student too, so after work i sit in 3-6 hours of class, which cannot help I guess.

One of my coworkers sits on one of those exercise balls instead of a chair, do you think that may be helpful? The problem is that I am short!! She is really tall and I tried hers but my legs did not reach the ground so I kept falling off, haha.

Funny you said that as one of my co workers sit on one of them too, they do different sizes of these balls so you should be able to get one for your height. I'm thinking about it myself as it strenghten your core.