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01-02-12, 14:08
Hiya, I've been to the doctors this morning and I have a chest infection and have been prescribed 'amoxacillin' (not sure on how to spell it) I juat wondered can I take paracetimols with this, and cough sweets? I worry about overdosing! Thanks

01-02-12, 14:42
Hi. Yes paracetamol is fine. Its a completely different group of drygs. Paracetamol will really help with any high temp. When you say cough Sweets do you just mean basics lockets etc? They would be fine. It would only be a problem if it contained paracetamol. Like night nurse, beechams etc. Which arent sweets anyway so i am waffling on. Take amoxacillin as prescribed and you will be fine. Hope you feel well soon. I suppose at least you have an answer why you feel unwell x ps i am a Lilys mommy, like your name

01-02-12, 14:51
Thank you, its just soothers, Yes going to take some paracetmol for my headache, havent yet because i wasnt sure :) Thank you, Lily is a lovely name!! :D