View Full Version : Newbie...but not to panic and anxiety

01-02-12, 14:10
Hi Everyone!

I'm from Canada, 30 year old female.

I had my first series of panic attacks when I was 19 years old. I was immediately put on Paxil (seroxat in the UK) - Which i don't really think ever worked and given clonazepan to take 'as needed' - which did work, but I had to use carefully as not to get addicted.....

I was on paxil for 10 years- I started to develop health problems... was diagnosed with fibromyalgia...I think all related to the Paxil.

During those years I finished university at the top of my class, worked in investment banking for 3.5 years until I eventually burnt out.

In summer 2011 after a medical misdiagnosis and not managing stress well at all, I had a complete nervous breakdown. Since then I have been struggling to put the pieces of my life back together. :weep:

I have developed an intense fear/phobia of becoming schizophrenic (has anyone else had this fear?).... I've found a wonderful psychiatrist and psychologist who I am working with closely. After 10 years, i've managed to do a cross taper from Paxil to Zoloft (over 3.5 months) and as of last friday I am officially Paxil Free (not without withdrawal tho).

When I initially had my nervous breakdown I was put on 1mg of clonazepan twice daily, so now that the paxil is gone, i'm going to be SLOWLY weaned off that. I'm doing CBT to try to help me manage my anxiety, and hope one day to be med-free and overcome this OBSESSION with developing schizophrenia :(

That's me. I look forward to sharing our journeys together


01-02-12, 14:12
Hi anxietyme

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

william wallace
01-02-12, 20:44

02-02-12, 12:08
hi, welcome to the site, i can relate to the breakdown, ive had two in 10 years, all i can say is it takes time to get over it and you will be a stronger person for it, so hang in there, and im sure youll find the site helpful, take care Ang

02-02-12, 13:28
Hi and :welcome: xx

02-02-12, 23:21
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I'm still trying to figure out my way around these forums, but i'll figure it out xxx