View Full Version : Neck swollen yet again.

01-02-12, 15:13
This morning when I woke up on the right side of my neck was sore and slightly swollen, this keeps on reoccurring. It comes and goes and it's really annoying me. I had blood test last week and they were all fine, so what is causing this? Another infection, again? Really? I must have the worst immune system in the world.

I can't go on with this. :mad:

01-02-12, 15:20
I had a swollen neck, all round for three days this week. freaked me right out. turned out to be from using a volumising shampoo that was making my skin tight an burn. Have you ruled out shampoos and soaps etc? maybe write down things that come in contact with that area and see whic ones coincide with the swelling?

01-02-12, 15:37
Good idea, I'll do that. :)