View Full Version : breast cyst

01-02-12, 19:48
hi are all breast cyst suppose to be painful because im worried that mine isnt although i get very painful breast before my period and the cyst swells its not painful is this normal x

01-02-12, 19:56

i had a breast cyst about 5 years ago and found i did not have any pain at all just the swelling, i had mine removed even tho it wasent causing me any pain just a slight bit of discomfort more towards my periods. sorry not much help:)

01-02-12, 19:58
I don't know about breast cysts, but I know that I have quite a few elsewhere that do not hurt at all and are harmless. I would assume it would not hurt unless it was hitting a nerve or something?

01-02-12, 20:10
thanks both of you for your replies very reassuring x