View Full Version : Brain tumour!!!!

01-02-12, 21:02
Hi guys for the last couple of weeks when i wake up i have ringing in my ears and they feel blocked but when i clean them there is no wax im starting to think the worst the ringing is there most of the time and i also feel a bit off balance when i walk anyone else ever feeling anything like this?????

01-02-12, 21:12
Go and see the doc and get them checked out as you won't be able to clean the wax yourself if there is any.

01-02-12, 21:37
My brother had this, got his ears syringed and he was fine straight away.

01-02-12, 21:39

This sounds like ear wax and as Nicola said don't try and clear it yourself. That's the Doctor's job.

01-02-12, 22:53
I got ringing in my ears when i was stressed or anxious and it didnt go away for weeks x

01-02-12, 23:50
This can actually happen from grinding your teeth at night if it's a pronounced ringing in the morning. If it's all day, is it very feint? IOW can you hear it when the TV is on/general background noise, or only when you plug your ears or sit in a quiet room? If it's only notable when it's really quiet, it's probably just run of the mill tinitis(sp). I've had it for at least 14 years. It's gotten -slightly- more noticeable in one ear, but basically remains the same. If I'm tired or sick, it will get worse for a day or so. Many many people have it to some degree. In fact, I'd wager most people do. Thing is plenty of them just don't notice it. Those of us with health anxiety are just keyed into it. The wax and balance thing is probably a combination of actual wax build up and anxiety. Go have them checked if it's really bugging you, but I seriously doubt anything is wrong.

02-02-12, 14:31
Hi Guys thanx for the feedback going to make an apointment at the doc..