View Full Version : what a day!

01-02-12, 21:05
Hello to everyone of my new friends here.
Well today really was a biggie. I have been having chest pain and pain in my left arm for a while. It has bothered me off and on for a long time. So I went to the local heart specialist today. They took an electrocardiagram of me sitting standing tehn poked a needle in me and put in something that would show up on the xray. Ran my big old behind through a little tunnel. got me up put my big old fat tail on a treadmill hooked up to the ekg machine and made me walk a while.:mad: Stuck more medicine in me and ran me back through the same little tunnel. :weep:And yep you guesed it I could not talk to a doctor or even be told for sure if anything is actually wrong.
So much for calming my anxiety and panic.
At least i did not fall over while walking on the treadmill.
So wah wah wah wha! I just had to vent a little. I have gone into work i did not much want to go but i dont really have a decent exscuse to stay home. :mad:Isuppose i better be thankful in my prayers as i had a job to pay for all the tests and insurance to help the cost and a place that could do the tests instead of whining. So My prayer tonight will be thank you God today is past me at least until i go to the doctor for the results.
If you read this and are a praying person please add me to your list.

01-02-12, 23:24
I'm feelin' ya there Louis.. I'm currently waiting to see my cardiologist about test results. I'll remember you in my prayers!

02-02-12, 05:28
Everything w'l be fine and rest leave it to Jesus.

02-02-12, 12:46
Thanks to everyone. I have a real chicken and egg thing going on today. i have a 12 hour shift to finish just started. Still craving prayers. thank you very much for yours. And may God bless you.