View Full Version : A question (warning - stool definition)

01-02-12, 21:34
Today I experienced my first very dark colored (almost black) poop. I immediately tried to think of what I ate for a couple of days. Yesterday and today I ate a bowl of dark berries and blueberries. I know blueberries dye quite well, can it be related to it?
Or should I start worrying about it and keep an eye on it for a couple of days?

01-02-12, 22:05
I would say it was the food to be honest but just see what happens next time

01-02-12, 22:20
Grapes will do this too, it happens to me every single time I drink dark red wine the night before. Gave me a panic the first couple times I noticed it. Now I just know it happens every time. Dark poop with a greenish tint. Lovely.

01-02-12, 23:39
yeah actually it was half dark brown with green tint, and half almost black... Weird.
Seriously, such details about poop -.-

01-02-12, 23:45
^yeah I'm 99% positive that's the cause. Other culprits for greenish dark poo are booberry cereal, blueberry juice in large amounts, red cabbage, I already mentioned the wine, blueberry beer, etc. Seems to be pretty much anything purple or blueish.

02-02-12, 00:40
You don't drink Guinness do you? Always does that for me!

02-02-12, 12:53
I eat blueberries in my cereal for breakfast and sometimes if I have a lot it definitely turns it that color. It frightened me the first time until it clicked "Oh I ate a load of blueberries yesterday." When I don't eat them, it is normal color.

02-02-12, 13:53
you answered your own ? yes what we eat can do this

03-02-12, 08:08
Yes, the culprit sure was a bowl of blueberries.

So, dear friends who read this thread and never experienced such weird colored BM, don't panic right away if you have it.
Just think of what you ate that day, or a couple of days :) If there is a suspected food type (any with purple - dark blue color) it will probably return back to normal with next BM. But still keep an eye on it until it gets back to normal, instead of worrying yourselves to death first day.

03-02-12, 12:50
I agree, definitely the blueberries I fear-quite scary though when you're greeted with anything other than the standard shade. I remember frantically calling home one day fearing the worst after a bizarre little purple effort only to be reminded about all the beetroot I'd eaten the day before. Give it a day and I'm sure it'll return to normal.

Rachel W
03-02-12, 19:49
also, just in case this thread is read by others with the same fear but not having eaten blueberries, iron supplements will also do this.