View Full Version : GOOGLE-ITIS !!!!!!!!

16-06-06, 18:42
Sorry everyone because I made the cardinal sin today and googled all my symptoms and guess what .....IVE GOT M.E. or C.F.S.,whatever you want to call it.The thing is this time all my symptoms do relate to what are the classic tell tale signs for this.I have fatigue,constant aching muscle pain,sore throat,ringing in my ears,blocked up ears,foggy head,I.B.S.,intolorant to alchohol(had a pint last week and felt I was P***ed,sore head,sore back.sore neck,cant find words,confused,cant get words out,giddy,the list is endless and all point to M.E.,Oh and throw in my H.A. as well .Have I or have I not...that is the question.What do you think,have I M.E or is it Google-itis.I know i am probally being really stupid but we cant help ourselves ....can we?

16-06-06, 18:54
hi mark

that is what anxiety does to us - a new symptom or one that has reappeared and our immediate reaction is - GOOGLE !!

what we are doing is making the anxeity worse by adding other thoughts and possibilites to the symptom and before we know it we have diagnosed ourselves with all sorts of things.

Because we have anxious thoughts, we tend to want to find answers as to why we felt a particular symptom - so you are not alone in this.

it is an automatic thing to do - BUT - if you try and let the symptom pass without adding any further fear to it - it will probably pass - I usually TRY ( and i know its hard) to distract myself. This normally stops the thought process from going into the panic cycle.

Hope this helps


........life is for living not just for surviving

16-06-06, 20:20
Bad Night.......To much time to think....! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6410)
Health Anxiety and the Internet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7567)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

16-06-06, 20:47
Hi Mark,

I laughed when I read your post(no offence) but I thought I was reading about myself 2 years ago. I used to scour the internet constantly and when I say constantly I mean 19 hours out of 24. Thank god I dont do it any more but I can so so sympathise with you. Please try to stop this as it made my life hell for 2 years and I wouldnt want anyone to go through what I did. If I saw a magazine article about health I read it and then away I would go surfing the net for the least wee bit of information. And 9 out of 10 times I would relate a serious illness with my symptoms. Hope Ive been some help to you.



17-06-06, 00:29

Im recovering from "google-itis" (like the diagnosis :D),i used to be like you but im so much better now. Now if i cant help myself from googling i add anxiety to my search, i.e if im worried about my headache ill google headache anxiety,the results are more reassuring!!

Id say you have google-itis but if you really are worried get reassurance from your doctor.

Take care xx