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ali mckay
01-02-12, 23:35

My name is Ali and I'm 21 just an insite to my story.
So about 5 months ago I was on the moterway driving my friend to the airport when my tyre burst I lost
Control of the car and fliped 4 times down a ditch into a tree to be honest looking at the state of the car I should be dead but I walked away from the crash with not even a
Mark on me but my friend sufferd from a few large gashes to his face one chipping his skull but he was out of hospital later that day after being stiched up and ect. 2 days after I sufferd with minor whiplass and convinced myself I had broken my back went to hospital and was fine, then was diagnosed with health anxiety was put on tablets and had cbt 2 months later I manage to clear most of that up (tablets may I add really wernt for me made me have more panic attacks)

Anyway 1 week after i was out of cbt I started to have more and more panic attack flashbacks,nightmares, I avoided getting into cars and was then diagnosed with post trumatic stress disorder and too this day still suffer with it and the panic attacks but have them more under control.

One bit of advise I'd give to anyone going through any anxiety disorder who suffers from panic attacks is learn everything about them before you start to try and control it during cbt i learnt a massive amount about panic attacks the more you learn the easyer it is to conntrol. One more thing if you suffer from health anxiety make yourself stop looking up your symptoms this was a massive help for me but easyer said than done. I've rambled on for far to long :).

01-02-12, 23:36
Hi ali mckay

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
02-02-12, 14:17
:welcome:Ali. You have been through a great deal. Glad that you have a handle on the anxiety and are on the road to recovery.You will find comfort and support here.


02-02-12, 15:55