View Full Version : in hospital again....

01-02-12, 23:57
So in hospital again with chest pain....in my head I know there will be nothing wrong with me but I still go....I'm such a mug its unreal I know I will be okay and yet I still come. I just need to get over this hurdle, any advice please? Would be greatful thank you.


02-02-12, 00:02
Harry, what you doing ! what made you go!??
in 12yrs ive never been to hospital, and believe me ive had real scary symptons... you need to NOT GO, so you can realise nothing bad happens...
Saying that, if you had symptons worse than you previously are used to , then i guess you have to be sure... You know all the advice already, so not much i can say,, hope your home soon, x

02-02-12, 00:17
You need to believe you are ok and nothing is wrong and it was all ok last time

Try and ride things out before going.

It is not nice in hospital and A&E is so busy dealing with things that maybe you need to think whether you need to really be there or not.

02-02-12, 00:18
Things just play on my mind and I can't get them out my head I feel like a fool as I know I'm going to be alright its just once I get something in my head I struggle to get it out :/

02-02-12, 00:23
Are you getting any help/therapy/counselling for this?

02-02-12, 00:27
Well I registered with a gp surgery last week and went to see a doctor yesterday and explained to him that I wanted therapy. He said he has saw me before and asked if I was ever in trouble with the police I said yes as there was an incident that happened in november where I threatened someone who was harrasing me and my girlfriend and I waited outside where he worked and he phoned the police on me and I got cautioned, so I can only imagine the doctor was related to him...and after I told him yes iv been cautioned he just didn't want to know me at all. So I'm going to see a different doctor hopefully tomorrow as I do want help with my anxiety urgently.

02-02-12, 00:29
so what has the hospital said about chest pains then and where were they?

02-02-12, 00:33
They started off in the centre then went away and came back like 3 hours ago worse in the left centre and have not left since. My pulse was like 120 when I got here but lowered to 104 but I did walk here quickly and my blood pressure was 147 over 87 I believe but I did walk here like I said which might explain why they were both highish as my heart rate is usually 75-85 and my bp like 120-130 over 60 something which is very normal as far as I know? I'm waiting for an ecg now I think.

02-02-12, 00:40
Ok well if it was a real problem the pains don't just come and go - they stay so you need to see it like that and the fact you have been there so many times before and all ok.

If you walked there think about it - could that be a heart problem? Not likely is it? Think all these things through next time and you won't need to go at all

02-02-12, 00:53
Yeah I spose I'm just an extremeist lol... I spose where I use to take drugs which brought on my anxiety I value life a lot more now as I quit cold turkey 7 months ago. Doctor was great with me to be honest I guess I'm not having a heart attack she's giving me a healthy minds leaflet so I can get cbt on my own back what a waste of time o well I feel like a idiot.

02-02-12, 00:58
Don't feel like an idiot just remember that the A&E service is so precious - I have used it a few times for genuine reasons (I am not saying yours aren't genuine in your eyes).

Take time to evaluate the pains and think "Have I had this before" - the answer is probably yes.

02-02-12, 01:02
I know its just really hard for me to say no its just anxiety lol I'll get over it spose it takes time.

02-02-12, 01:07
You have to accept it in your own mind to be honest.

I could never understand why people went to hospital for reassurance as it is the most awful, horrid place to be lol.

Maybe next time call the out of hours docs - they are excellent

02-02-12, 01:12
This might not be very helpful towards you healing your anxiety problems, but I also rush to the hospital. Except now instead of going straight in I sit outside for a little and see if my feelings subside knowing that I'm somewhere safe. Maybe you could try this next time you feel you have to go? Just go sit outside, let yourself know you're near help if you truly need it and try to ride it out.

02-02-12, 08:22
Harry Im the same. Since my op went wrong i have been in and out of a+e around 8 times. Sometimes they have actually admitted me, because of what happened they are extra cautious, but whilst i initially feel better, after being in for over one night i start getting more and more panicky. Its so hard i know, and its so difficult to get out of tha mindset x

02-02-12, 08:54
Yes I agree, if the pain isn't persistent, that means it's nothing serious.
Whenever you feel such pain and start panicking again, take a deeeep breath, repeat it a couple of times while sitting on a couch or chair.

When the pain and panic comes, direct your mind to something else. Breathing techniques are good for occupying mind.

- Put your left hand on your chest, and right hand on your belly.
- Think your abdomen and chest as two divisions. Take a breath and fill your belly area first, then continue breathing to fill your chest area without a pause (with same deep breath).
- Hold in your breath for 2-3 seconds.
- Release it but do not force release, just let it go naturally without pushing.
- Repeat this a couple of times, not so many times.

After a while you will notice your pain is fading away and you are feeling more relaxed.
Just don't rush to go to hospital right away. Try to learn how to calm yourself. It's so hard at first but it's possible to control, trust me. Give your attention to surrounding things, objects, etc. If possible, speak out loud and distract your mind.

Feel well soon

02-02-12, 10:56
Thanks for all the advice guys, really appreciate it :)


02-02-12, 12:00
beyonderz - nice advice... just tried it and it does have a calming effect.

Harry - as a fellow drug induced anxiety sufferer.... you know where i am. PM me if you just want to let it all out. Doesn't matter what you spout, i'll listen.

02-02-12, 12:26
I know its not easy, but next time phone NHS direct first and get reassurance from them. What you need to tell yourself is that you arent going to go to hospital when you know there is nothing wrong, as there are people there that are genuinely sick or having an emergency, and you may be taking up time the staff could better be using to treat them.

Definitely register with another GP though, and ask for some help as it isnt 'normal' to have to go to the hospital, so you have shown yourself that you need help now, either meds, therapy or both.

Also, throw away any heart rate monitors or BP monitors you have at home, checking yourself won't help, and will make you panic if you think the readings arent normal.