View Full Version : Someone Tell Me! :(

02-02-12, 07:35
So Yesterday I Went To The Doctors And They Told Me I have strep throat and they put me on ZPak. Im always scared to take medicine cause i dont know if they are going to make me sick so today i took one and know im having a feeling of lump in throat, twitching of the lip area and i feel like i cant breath right. Im really scared im going to get sick ! Someone please respond if its a panic attack please tell me what to do to make it go away!! :(

02-02-12, 08:00
Hiya!! i get exactly the same over taking new medications!! However I think you have maybe worried yourself into thinking your going to get ill and anxiety is giving you these symptoms. I do it to myself all the time and each time i'm fine!! But please try and calm down! Are you on your own? Is there anybody you can speak to? even to call and have a chat? x

02-02-12, 08:16
I Feel Better Now Thanks To My Mom!
I Know How You Feel It Sucks!

02-02-12, 12:45
I've had z pack plenty of times, the only side effect you may feel is an upset stomach and that is normal!