View Full Version : Twitching Again...........

02-02-12, 12:02
I started to panic this morning as my left hand was twitching, or rather the fingers. So, I googled, and once again sacred myself, so decided to go out and no twitching at all.
I still feel scared that its something sinister......

I get te twitching all over, hands, feet, thigh, calf. Its worse when I lay in bed before going to sleep.

02-02-12, 12:06
Twitching is totally related to panic. It's a reaction body gives during stress and panic. When I first had the panic disorder I was experiencing it like almost the whole day, but I knew it was related to stress, so I didn't care about it much. Then it went away after I started medication.
Just don't think about it much. It's because your muscles are ultra stiff due to stress.

02-02-12, 12:43
I get this all the time especially when trying to sleep, i think its more noticable at this time as we are not moving around and so notice it more. just anxietys way of telling you it's still there! I have grown use to it now and actually try to humour myself with it when it happens!

Rachel W
02-02-12, 21:19
I have twitching on and off. I googled at that time. Ended up having EMG and clinical exam due to the panic about ALS. All was fine. The neurologist told me I had benign fasciculation syndrome (what they call it when the twitching is harmless). I have strong twitches pretty much everywhere although they go away for long periods of time when I am less stressed. I even ended up with speech issues after I worried about bulbar symptoms which have never fully gone away. It is amazing what stress and the mind can do. Twitches in more than one place are a very good sign that it is benign.