View Full Version : Trying to cope, everyday

kevthe gooner
02-02-12, 14:24
Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with servere dep/anx, and have been put up to 45mg of mirtazipine on wednesday, but have been on 30mg for 6 weeks, hasn't done alot to be honest, just knock me out for about 5 hours, also i take zipliclone occ,as i wake up so early, i have a job where i am on my own alot, and come home to a empty house, until the kids get home, the problem i have is, i have no real friends or family to help me get through it, my wife finds it hard to cope, does anyone have feelings like they dont want to be around, my sister keeps saying your get through it but after 3 months im still the same, the coun said i have to go out, but its not easy when you feel like a piece of crap, do i just leave my job to get better,i have been in 20 years, anyone wants to talk then please do. cheers dave

02-02-12, 14:26
Hi kevthe gooner

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-02-12, 15:37
Welcome Kev,

You are not alone on here. I've had the same thoughts and struggle each day, but each day through is another day won and achievement. The upped dose will kick in soon hopefully and you'll start feeling better. But if not then maybe a change is needed, I'm not a doctor but sounds a long time without you feeling better. I'm 8 weeks into a breakdown trying to come off venlafaxine and having a nightmare of a time. But today for the first time I did things without planning them and coped with breathing deep.

I saw my psychiatrist for the first time yesterday and she and others keep reminding me, it's a long road we must go but we will come out the other end. Do you have a CPN or psychiatrist to speak to?

Wishing you well.