View Full Version : chest pains acid

02-02-12, 16:09
hi guys
has anyone with chest pain been to a+e had all test been told its acid and still think its their heart .
allso yesterday i went fot the stress test on the wking machine while they monitored what was going off i had my bp taken allthe time and monitored on the ecg while wking uphill then wking at a very at a very fast pace i passed all test so why am i still worried

02-02-12, 16:49
hi guys
has anyone with chest pain been to a+e had all test been told its acid and still think its their heart .
allso yesterday i went fot the stress test on the wking machine while they monitored what was going off i had my bp taken allthe time and monitored on the ecg while wking uphill then wking at a very at a very fast pace i passed all test so why am i still worried

Been were you are and done it all, Been taken in to A&E twice in a year all the tests done ecgs bloods chest x-rays and 2 treadmill stress tests all OK.

But yes still worry its the heart :doh:
Last stress test was just before christmas I done 9mins 12sec before i gave up (they said welldone everything A ok) And I am very overweight.

And just had a endoscopy done for my heartburn/gerd/acid reflux.

Just all part and parcel of the reflux

02-02-12, 17:43
thank you for ur reply i dont know how accurate the stress test is to put my mind at rest .i did the whole 15mins no props they said all was ok but same as you say it never puts ur mind at ease

02-02-12, 18:17
WOW u did the full 15 mins (I could of gone on longer but mouth and throat was getting so dry).

If I ever have another i think i will ask you for a piggy back.
I would say and you will know what the next words are "your heart is fine mate".

As well as chest pain I have constant shoulder ache and jaw pain so all points to the heart (But if that was the case i would have been having the longest heart attack on record about 6 months and counting) So I must learn to believe what i am told and what i tell others. (But easier said that done).
I am always having constant muscle pain across the chest I seem to pull muscles easy in that area, But also have a condition called costochondritis which effects the sternum area and also the dreaded GERD/ACID REFLUX

I need a good KICK UP THE ARSE

So it a case of trying to understand the pain we feel.

Rest easy mate :shades:

02-02-12, 19:50
lol you sound like me mate im allways getting pain around my sternham and chest i do have lpr acid reflux but i allways think its my heart . my anxietys through the roof again the older i get the worce i get

02-02-12, 22:07
I have reflux, Hiatus Hernia and have severe chest pains at times. The pains at times can be so severe that it is hard to accept that it is just acid reflux. But it must be. I have had some odd symptoms in the last few months and have had an answer for all of them Thankfully nothing serious just a nuisance and it all makes a lot of sense. So I should be happy right? Yet I CANNOT accept this... and my anxiety is worse than ever WHY? I HAVE ANSWERS?

Mind Tricks. I believe as soon as I can accept my symptoms the sooner I can get on with my life....Patience.

I think what Im trying to say is.... as hard as it is to accept...You are fine, Thankfully.

Sorry TOTAL waffle but made me feel better. lol

jo h
03-02-12, 09:57
I have reflux, Hiatus Hernia and have severe chest pains at times. The pains at times can be so severe that it is hard to accept that it is just acid reflux. But it must be. I have had some odd symptoms in the last few months and have had an answer for all of them Thankfully nothing serious just a nuisance and it all makes a lot of sense. So I should be happy right? Yet I CANNOT accept this... and my anxiety is worse than ever WHY? I HAVE ANSWERS?

Mind Tricks. I believe as soon as I can accept my symptoms the sooner I can get on with my life....Patience.

I think what Im trying to say is.... as hard as it is to accept...You are fine, Thankfully.

Sorry TOTAL waffle but made me feel better. lol

Not waffle I feel exactly the same ....I have never had chest pain all my life until the last 2 years and now its all the time just don't understand why they won't shift :weep:

03-02-12, 18:22
thanks for all your replys guys