View Full Version : Chest and falling sensations with buzzed feeling

02-02-12, 17:10
I was wondering if any of you have ever experienced this. Occasionally, and it seems more so today, I experience this strange feeling in my upper chest. Somewhere in there, I have a sensation where it feels like a falling sensation, then I get like a buzzed or light headed feeling in my head. It can range to an obscure sensation to something more profound (in the past -- sometimes inducing warm sensations and even clammy palms, then my heart just pounds). I have experienced it several times today and now my upper chest just feels heavy, or has a squeezy sensation, nothing where I can't breathe, though. My head keeps experiencing strange sensations. I just feel off or buzzed -- can't really describe it.

Anyway, I am worried it is more of a brain thing -- symptom of a tumor or seizure or something awful as opposed to a heart situation. I had my heart tested and monitored last year, blood work done -- everything was fine. So, then, it's GOT to be my brain. Or maybe, it is pulmonary ... or perhaps a lot of stress. I have gone back to school to take a course and last night was our first exam and I was beside myself. I was worried sick I would do awful, not knowing what to expect, but I came out just great. I still struggle sitting in class sometimes with severe anxiety, and last night was one of those nights. So, I just wonder if these scary sensations is just related to that and not harmful.

Anyway, I was curious to know if I am the only one out there who experiences this.

Thank you for reading -- Hugs, Wiskers ~

02-02-12, 21:58

I get this a lot especially at my most stressed moments. Definitely sounds like symptoms of anxiety. I too have had all the test ECG, Bloods, Fasting Bloods and they found nothing.

The falling sensation is possibly one of my worst symptoms of anxiety, and can at time feel like Im walking on a deck of a ship. I know what you mean about feeling off buzzed. Sometimes I can be with group of people chatting away and not hear a word they are saying almost like you are under water, LOL well that is my description anyway.:winks:

Have you read the symptoms page on here. It explains that they are classic symptoms, its just hard to believe at times that there are so many and they feel so real.

Try and relax warm bath lots of rest, and maybe put a couple of drops of lavender on your cuffs/pillow in bath I find this always helps me to calm down...just a thought.

For Now:hugs:

02-02-12, 23:01
You could be experiencing ectopic heartbeats( totally harmless I may add) as they can give you a falling sensation in your chest usually with a thump sensation as well and can make you feel light headed for a few seconds and then your heart races a bit afterwards.

As I said they are harmless but horrible and are only felt by anxious people and are best described by a retired cardiologist on another forum as like when you get a twitch in your eyelid. they are a twitch of your vagus nerve that ends at the heart but its not your heart that is causing them and they won't harm you.

03-02-12, 11:47
Thank you both so much for responding. It means a lot to me. I just hate this feeling. I had it all day yesterday, it seems, and I woke up in the middle of the night with it. I just don't really know at this point what I am so stressed about.

I didn't realize ecoptics could feel like this. Thank you, I learned something! :) I feel more reassured. I am glad to know it is not uncommon to get a bizarre feeling in the head after. That has almost been the second most disturbing sensation for me.

Carefree, I think I'll take your advice and find some more things to try and relax with. :) I just hope whatever symptom I am going to worry about next (which we all know will happen ..) will just get on with it, because I don't like this one. :)

Thank you both again for taking the time to respond. It has made me feel better. Hugs to you both, Wiskers ~

03-02-12, 14:46
I have had this quite a few times, i think you described it very well, its hard sometimes to put how you feel in to words, but you have hit the nail on the head with your description.

I always put it down to tense muscles, tense muscles in the chest, neck, head, ears, eyes, ect... can bring on some dead strange feelings, add in the adrenelin which so quickly follows and inwardly self checking with or without realising we are doing it and we have some pretty horrible sensations. x

03-02-12, 19:08
Wow, you described how I feel perfectly! I find it extremely difficult to describe the sensation, but the lightheaded "falling" feeling is exactly what I feel. I've had it for the past weeks, and this week it suddenly went away, so must be anxiety.
I was so scared it was my heart, since heart problems run in my family, but it didn't feel like missed beats or anything, just the strange feeling in my head lasting for a second or so (but a lot of times in a day). It's good to know we're not alone feeling this. :)

03-02-12, 21:45
Hi Whiskers, Glad you are feeling a little better but as you can see you are not alone.

Keep treading that water Hun.:hugs:

03-02-12, 22:24
yep I've had this as well, quite recently for the first time. Usually I notice an ectopic so didn't expect it to be this. Interesting stuff. Either way glad to know i'm not the only one and glad to know that none of us seem to have come to any harm from them... although mental distress is another thing of course!

05-02-12, 13:52
Wow! I didn't realize so many of you have experienced what I have. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one in the world feeling like this, so thus the doctor will name a new horrible condition after me. :)

Last night and yesterday it was happening again, it felt even stranger. I also had a lot of palpitations, too. I drank some water and felt better, but I woke up in the middle of the night just feeling constant falling sensations. They felt a little heavier. I stretched really good, then shortly thereafter I was able to go back to sleep, but I still feel weird in the upper of chest this morning, and have some more palps.

I am trying to figure out what has upset me so much -- for us girls, it is close to my period and I get the worst panic attacks then, but also, in CNA class, I am going to have to face illness and death and I think it bothers me. When we start talking about symptoms to something, I just feel that adrenaline coursing through my veins. I am very uncomfortable with it, but I want to be there to help people, so I have to "suck it up". I realize I will be seeing people who are actually going through the things we all are fearing are happening to us. That may be a good thing so I can see how it really is, not how my mind is telling me. I hope in that regard, I can be more of help here. But, I also will be seeing people die, trying to CPR to revive them, and even preparing the dead. That scares me, I'll be honest. I wonder if all these feelings are coming from that. Just trying to make sense of things ..... I'd rather that theory than finally that horrible disease I just knew I had is finally rearing its head. That's also what I have been thinking.

Thank you all again so much for responding. Hugs to you all, Wiskers ~

05-02-12, 19:34
I know exactly how you feel. Mine started last night again and is still going on today. Cannot wait for it to pass. I also am getting a feeling of heartburn as well which is really uncomfortable.