View Full Version : had a anxious day :(

02-02-12, 18:09
Hello, I posted earlier about the dizzyness from my ear (and panic making it worse) now I have a tooth and ear ache and pain in left chest :( I'm worried about fainting and that's why I'm panicing, dr says I've never fainted before even wen feeling dizzy so I won't now, still can't help worrying. Hope someone can give me some advice! Thanks :)

02-02-12, 18:13
Hi Lily'smum. Sorry that can't give you much advise but wanted you to know you are not alone. I have been dizzy for days and getting all kind of wierd feelings in left chest and, not always pain, sometimes more of a fluttery feeling. I had tests for my heart a couple of months ago and nothing showed up but I am still worried that something is really wrong. It's horrid this isn't it?

02-02-12, 18:16
Yeah, ive had ecgs too.. it all came back fine, i have an ear ache too, which is probably why im feeling dizzy but cant help worrieing im going to faint or have a heart attack! wish this anxiety wauld just go away! x

02-02-12, 18:18
I know- I did get much better for a few months but it seems to have crept back up on me. Just hoping I can beat it again as going on hol next week and don't want this to spoil it! Feel like I need reassurance all the time that it's "just" anxiety. Is that how you feel?

02-02-12, 18:40
Yes! I've seen the dr today, and had him call me to check this was normal, do you feel like your walking on a cloud ?? Not dizzy as in head spinning.

02-02-12, 19:05
yes- as if the ground is sponge- what did your doc suggest it is? Anxiety or maybe ear infection?

02-02-12, 19:41
Well he said my ear is blocked, and to use olive oil which has taken my ear ache away, and dizzyness has also gone abit, but when I have a panic attack I feel dizzy also so that didn't help x

02-02-12, 19:59
It's so frustrating isn't it? I feel like I spend all my time wondering which symptons are "real" and which are symptons from the anxiety and always worrying that I am trying to ignore the wrong ones!

02-02-12, 23:05
Same with me, I get a little chest pain, and I'm having a heart attack.. I'm getting a call from a health care helper on monday to get me some one to one work, hopeing it helps :)