View Full Version : Anxious, Depressed and Scared

02-02-12, 18:50
Hi all, i'm Hayley and I am new to this site, i was diagnosed with anxiety and depression a week before christmas, i am currently on medication and this has been working, however i had a really scary panic attack earlier which scared the life outta me!! I have joined this site to speak with other sufferers and to try and get some peace of mind.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this post and i would appreciate any messages back :) xx

02-02-12, 18:51
Hi becksi2006

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-02-12, 19:39
Hi Becksi - welcome - I am new too - it really helps to have likeminded people to speak to - are you feeling better? Laura x

02-02-12, 19:40
Hi Hayley, hope you feel welcome here,:hugs:

02-02-12, 19:41
Sorry I meant Hayley!!

02-02-12, 19:59
Hello Hayley, a BIG welcome, hope you find some peace and comfort here.


02-02-12, 21:43
Welcome Hayley:)

03-02-12, 07:03
Thank you all for making me feel welcome!! Hello Laura, I am feeling a little more settled today, the panic attack was really bad yesterday which then affected my mood and made me really tearful until I went to bed, and so then I was "expecting" another panic attack, its a vicious circle we get caught up in :ohmy: How are you feeling today? If i can be of any help please let me know, this is a very cruel and lonely illness at times so please feel free to get in touch xx

03-02-12, 08:35
Hi Hayley - anxiety/depression is just horrible - I had a bad day yesterday as went to GP and changing meds - really anxious about it - start Sunday on Prozac - became ill in October after a bereavement but have had the above for along time but had it under control - cannot get back on track - very tearful, like you - hope you have a better day. Laura x

03-02-12, 13:57
Hi Hayley... Im new here too x

03-02-12, 14:31
Hi there Steph, How are you? I'm so glad to have found this site, lots of info and friendly people around xx

03-02-12, 14:34

Yeah I really hope this is going to help me, I speak to my friends about my problem but they dont really understand.

Im ok, having a hard couple of days. How are you feeling now? x

03-02-12, 15:53
Hi Steph - welcome to the site - horrible when you feel like this - I know you cannot talk to friends about certain things - they try to understand but if they haven't been through it? What are you worried about? Can I help? Laura x

03-02-12, 16:38
Hey Laura... I suffer from a fear of vomiting, and also being around people who vomit, but only related to stomach bugs... So I worry constantly about my kids getting sick. Everyday I feel helpless and so stressed out thinking about it. I am starting CBT on monday. But yest my son was near a friends child who got sick after we left... I have been panicking ever since! My thoughts just now are it has been 27 hours and so far he is fine. I really just hate feeling like this :(

03-02-12, 17:09
I am feeling a little less anxious at the moment but I put that down to the meds, I completely understand about speaking with friends they can try and empathise but nobody can ever understand unless they have actually been through it. My anxiety is just generalised I think because I worry about everything, my main worry all week has been my health, every ache and pain i've been convinced it is summat serious, then i worry about doing stuff and a panic attack coming on, it really is awful to be in this situation even when my daughter is at school i'm constantly on edge, i find myself pacing the floor, to try and help to distract myself today i have sorted my sock drawer out, honestly its just trying to keep doing things!! Its just so hard to explain when you look well on the outside (apart from the dark circles under my eyes and extra wrinkles due to worrying lol)!! I'm struggling with my appetite too at the moment, nothing seems appealing xx

03-02-12, 17:16
Hey Laura... I suffer from a fear of vomiting, and also being around people who vomit, but only related to stomach bugs... So I worry constantly about my kids getting sick. Everyday I feel helpless and so stressed out thinking about it. I am starting CBT on monday. But yest my son was near a friends child who got sick after we left... I have been panicking ever since! My thoughts just now are it has been 27 hours and so far he is fine. I really just hate feeling like this :(

They covered this on 'This Morning' this week, perhaps try watching the episode on internet...link below

03-02-12, 17:53
I am feeling a little less anxious at the moment but I put that down to the meds, I completely understand about speaking with friends they can try and empathise but nobody can ever understand unless they have actually been through it. My anxiety is just generalised I think because I worry about everything, my main worry all week has been my health, every ache and pain i've been convinced it is summat serious, then i worry about doing stuff and a panic attack coming on, it really is awful to be in this situation even when my daughter is at school i'm constantly on edge, i find myself pacing the floor, to try and help to distract myself today i have sorted my sock drawer out, honestly its just trying to keep doing things!! Its just so hard to explain when you look well on the outside (apart from the dark circles under my eyes and extra wrinkles due to worrying lol)!! I'm struggling with my appetite too at the moment, nothing seems appealing xx

Hey, I am not on any meds, doctors said it would only mask my problem, but to be honest I would rather mask it at this point and time than feel on edge all the time!! Yep I know what you mean about the finding things to do, I pace alot myself. But I find breaking my day into sections helps. My appetite is usually ok, but when im like this I eat very little, just incase. Well monday cant come quick enough for me, waited months for this appointment! Hopefully I get some pointers to help me deal with this xx

---------- Post added at 17:53 ---------- Previous post was at 17:52 ----------

They covered this on 'This Morning' this week, perhaps try watching the episode on internet...link below

Thanks for the link, just watched it. I really hope I get better xx

03-02-12, 18:00
Hi Steph - well you have come to the right place - apparently a fear of vomitting is so common - my brother has it - think his stemmed from the school bus (many years ago) but he up to a point ok now. Commutes to London everyday and in a high powered job - but always has a "sick bag" on him. I am sure CBT will help - and Stormsky was correct in saying it was on This Morning. His has learned to accept it - so what if I am sick - so what but I understand you have a fear of people being sick which is different - like Doc Martin - fear of blood! The therapist will have seen this before - and you will start to feel better - good luck - Laura x

03-02-12, 18:11
Hi Steph - well you have come to the right place - apparently a fear of vomitting is so common - my brother has it - think his stemmed from the school bus (many years ago) but he up to a point ok now. Commutes to London everyday and in a high powered job - but always has a "sick bag" on him. I am sure CBT will help - and Stormsky was correct in saying it was on This Morning. His has learned to accept it - so what if I am sick - so what but I understand you have a fear of people being sick which is different - like Doc Martin - fear of blood! The therapist will have seen this before - and you will start to feel better - good luck - Laura x

Mines is bugs, I am terrified of it spreading and everyone else getting it.

Thanks Laura xx

03-02-12, 19:33

I suffer from health anxiety and understand how vile panic attacks are. I notice EVERY slight ache etc (currently I think I have a pulled muscle in my shoulder - or is it a huge blood clot in my lung?!), and it has got a lot worse since being pregnant (I am 20 weeks). The worse thing about panic attacks it that they are such a horrible cycle - you start to panic which makes the symptoms worse which makes you panic more which make the symptoms worse etc etc etc!!! Anyway I am also new on here so feel free to message me if you need to have a good old bleat to someone who understands.


03-02-12, 20:45
I really hope you get the most from your appointment Steph and it gives you a little bit of peace of mind, please let me know how you get on.

Hiya Leah, nice to hear from you, I am exactly the same, just this week I have had allsorts wrong with me and am still stuggling to accept that it is all down to my anxiety which then lowers my mood which then makes me more anxious, its just going round and round in circles. I have just ordered some self help books which I am hoping will help as I have been told they are very good, thanks for the invitation for the chat its really kind of you and I am available if you need someone to talk to aswell. Its nice to hear you are expecting a baby but I sympathise that your symptoms have got worse, its a hard enough time as it is, when are you due? Take care and hopefully speak soon xx

04-02-12, 16:05
Hi Hayley (and everone else on here).

I'm really sorry to hear about your panic attack. They are very scary - I have suffered with them for some years on and off.

The thing to remember is that you can come to no harm with a panic attack - I have learned this from courses and reading books (though I know we don't feel it at the time). Its our bodies way of coping with whatever is worrying us. I find that PA's don't happen at the time of the trauma in question, but it can be weeks/months after.

An exception to this for me is that I tend to have them when I'm not well. It can be something as simple as a cold - but because I live alone, a message goes to brain - ill, on own, something could happen. And within an hour of going to bed I'll wake in a panic! Sometimes this'll take me outside onto my drive in my nightclothes - as I feel if anything does happen, someone will see me. Luckily, I live in a quiet road so no-one does see me! haha.

See my reply re the post 'Have not slept again' - you may find it helpful re treatments - both medical and non medical.

Love to you all.
