View Full Version : Pancreatic C worries

02-02-12, 19:35
I worked out very hard this morning and about 30min after finishing I was so jittery and light headed I thought I was going to faint. I know this is low blood sugar and I ate a meal and felt much better. Only in the mind of the health anxious can I go from this relatively logical conclusion to I must have Pancreatic C and I have 3 months to live. But that is what I did. I am freaking out that the low sugar was just an early symptom that my pancreas is littered with tumors and I am screwed. I smoke and drink diet soda and I know that both of these increase the risk. I am 41, male and not on meds. Any assurance or kind words would be very appreciated. My mind is totally locked on this and I just can't get off the hamster wheel of worry.


02-02-12, 19:38
Have you had any blood tests recently? I'm thinking these would give you an insight into any problems in that area.
I think pancreas issues are VERY painful and you wouldnt get mild symptoms, I think it would cause alot of pain, even in early stages.

02-02-12, 19:55
I had a full blood chemistry in November and all was fine. One of the worries I have is that I frequently get flank pain caused by IBS and fear that this really the big C. I know it is crazy but I am not in a good state right now. Thanks for the post.

02-02-12, 20:04
Pancreatic cancer is horrible. If you were at a terminal stage with it, you would really know about it. If you had bloodwork in November and they were all fine, you are good!

02-02-12, 20:14
Betty, I wish I had your certainty. Thanks and cool pic.

02-02-12, 20:18
It's not crazy, we all can think things like this when we are anxious and fearing for our health. If you have IBS that can cause some truly horrible symptoms, have you been told that you have this? If not, maybe you could see your GP and tell them your fears and they will then advise further. Try not to think the worst when you get pains, theres hundreds of other things its more likely to be :)

02-02-12, 20:25
Thanks for the encouragement. I have been told I have IBS. I had a colonoscopy about 2 yrs ago to verify it. Sometimes I just feel silly posting my concerns because they look so crazy once I right them down but hearing from you guys does help and I don't feel embarrassed for asking others like me.

02-02-12, 20:28
Never feel embarrassed, we all understand on here what it's like and even people without anxiety occasionally worry about illnesses and bad things that could happen.

02-02-12, 20:38
Thanks for the encouragement. I have been told I have IBS. I had a colonoscopy about 2 yrs ago to verify it. Sometimes I just feel silly posting my concerns because they look so crazy once I right them down but hearing from you guys does help and I don't feel embarrassed for asking others like me.

No need to be embarrassed, we're all here to help each other with anxiety.