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02-02-12, 19:58
On the bottom of one leg by my foot when i step down the stairs sometimes i will get a strange mild pain there :S. it is worrying me a bit. it happens about 3 times a day

02-02-12, 20:01
Hey Emma, hard to work out from your description quite where this pain is.

However, can I ask.....what do YOU think the problem is ?

We all get aches and pains, the human body is like that, have you managed to rationalise a minor reason for the pain ?

02-02-12, 20:04
how long have you had it? my boyfriend had this last year, i remember worrying and he kept telling me it was no big deal, just a pulled muscle. it went away and he is fine. still not sure why, maybe arch problems with your shoes?

02-02-12, 21:27
Just here: http://i39.tinypic.com/9iqlhs.png
I know we can :) also its not really a pain just a slight discomfort when i walk down the stairs sometimes

---------- Post added at 20:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

yes could be that. thanks. i do wear boots with slight heels but there flat and arched at the back x

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

I have no other feelings there though

03-02-12, 10:18
also i keep waking up with numb arms/hands which really hurt and a real pain in one calf. im scared as my blood wasnt flowing from the pins and needles i have a blood clot.

03-02-12, 10:33
i keep answering posts about blood clots as most prob know ive had 2, i didnt get any pain in my calfs whatsoever, i did get swollen ankles and pains in my side and i couldnt even walk with the pains honestly you would know if you had a clot tc amandaxx

03-02-12, 19:50
Yeah I had been wondering about it quite a lot actually. I have bloated ankles almost everyday, not mostly morning but during the day and especially evenings. I sometimes feel a sizzling like feeling around that area also. But not a serious pain.
I've always had those kind of ankles for years, sometimes it gets me a bit worried (though it can be related to my extra weight also, but not sure).
I want to have that stupid amount of bloating and edema in my body checked, but never had a chance to.

Hope it wont bring me any serious trouble like blood clot.

03-02-12, 20:20
yes ive now got a slight niggly pain next to my ankle on foot on the leg that this is happening "
On the bottom of one leg by my foot when i step down the stairs sometimes i will get a strange mild pain there :S. it is worrying me a bit. it happens about 3 times a day"

about 3 times again today i have had this MILD pain/discomfort when ive put my foot on the ground walking down stairs :(

---------- Post added at 20:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:16 ----------

pain getting worse in ankle now very very worried.
also for years ive had this thing in my ankles were they get so cramped i cry and cry it hurts and goes away after 5 mins. its like a snap then a HUGE cramp. and get pain when running sometimes (rarley now) in foot. :(

03-02-12, 20:24
swollen ankles ... can't that have something to do with eating too much salt? I don't know, I think I heard a family member say that hers swell when she has too much of it.

03-02-12, 20:28
Actually it can be related to kidney issues also, especially edema in lower legs. We have kidney issues, almost all members of the family :) so I can easily guess but you know. One cannot help but think.

04-02-12, 13:35
well i never put any extra salt on my food lol so im not sure :\ hmm...
today when i walk down stairs and put my foot on the ground i am getting a bad pain http://i39.tinypic.com/9iqlhs.png in this area

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:03 ----------

its also round the side aswell but doesnt hurt at any other time. :(

04-02-12, 13:40
Em.ma none of us are medically trained or quallified, If you are having a pain in your ankle and are worried about it then go see your doctor. you will get a lot better opinion and find it more useful than posting on an anx and panic site about it when we can not advise or help you with it.

anx mum
04-02-12, 13:53
yes ive now got a slight niggly pain next to my ankle on foot on the leg that this is happening "
On the bottom of one leg by my foot when i step down the stairs sometimes i will get a strange mild pain there :S. it is worrying me a bit. it happens about 3 times a day"

about 3 times again today i have had this MILD pain/discomfort when ive put my foot on the ground walking down stairs :(

---------- Post added at 20:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:16 ----------

pain getting worse in ankle now very very worried.
also for years ive had this thing in my ankles were they get so cramped i cry and cry it hurts and goes away after 5 mins. its like a snap then a HUGE cramp. and get pain when running sometimes (rarley now) in foot. :(

Hi emma do u remember the pain i had in my left calf i was convinced it was a blood clot cos i think when our anxiety is high we think the worse and truly believe it my calf pain turned out to be scatica. What does your gp say?

04-02-12, 13:58
Hiya. I do remember - I'm very glad you seem to be feeling a lot better and are a lot more positive than you were :D gives me hope that you can learn to control anxiety:)
Havnt seen my gp for ages now- Ive gone from going every week to being to scared to go as he will tell me im "ill" in my mind.
Also venus- the pain is only when i walk down the stairs and put my foot on the floor and its in my leg not ankle :) i get it about 10 times a day now.
The niggle i had in my ankle lasted about 2 mins whilst i was worrying about it then went :)

04-02-12, 14:01
wherever it is If you are worried about it then go see your doctor is my point, we can not tell you what it is on here as it is physical rather than anything to do with your Anx

04-02-12, 14:06
I know i just feel silly seeing a doc for such a "little" thing even those in big in my head and im scared of sudden death before i can see a doc. It is making me anx- i know no one can tell me what it is though i understand that but i have no one else to tell whats going on at the moment. sorry :\.

04-02-12, 14:13
but if you have the pain and are worried about it then go see them, my un-educated guess is that it is a growing pain as your joints and bones are still growing.

04-02-12, 15:44
I know i just feel silly seeing a doc for such a "little" thing

There we go Emma, you said it yourself - a 'little thing'. Nothing for any concern. Everyone gets aches and pains all the time, it will go.

04-02-12, 20:11
thank you both :) i will see what its like in a few days and decice if i need to see a doc :)

also dont want to post a new thread for this so ill put it on here (warning Bowel movement subject)
at college theres a place were you can ear but i noticed a few days ago there toaster/oven/microwave was disgusting.(its run by students) i didnt think much of it at the time but ive had a change in bowel movements... everyday ive been going and todays one was really really soft :(. normally i get consptation for a week then i get a stool which is normal. so i go about twice a week normally. worried about e-coli. the teachers havnt even seen the mess and its making me feel sick thinking ive ate of there eww.

---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

then again the last few days i have had lots of burping and gas. also tummy feels slightly queezy now.

---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:17 ----------

and making lots of noises :(

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:17 ----------

i also have a pain in big toe on the leg with pain and a numb foot

04-02-12, 20:34
To become less aware of your pain and more aware of important things in your life,
Send love to your body. (I'm in a preacher mood today.)
You doubt your limbs. You look at your faithful body and everyday, you send it doubt and uncertainty. Your legs have been dutifully carrying you around all your life, but you are watching them like Big Brother and judging them like a Roman Emporer!
Don't you think that, by showing no gratification to your healthy limbs you are blessed with, they will feel unloved and used like slaves? They feel hurt, so they act hurt. They want attention, so they give you pain - and they have got your attention and they know how to gain it. You are the mother of your body parts, you look after them, feed them, and you should definately love them.
If they are causing you trouble, spend a very long time with just you and your body. Tell each and every part how much you love it, and how it's seen you through the best and the worst. Stroke it, tell it you are sorry for having no faith in it, and thank it for it's hard work. Do this to each part of your body and I tell you - you will feel a warm happiness spread through you. For a while, each time you do something good in your life with no pain, thank that part of your body and send it love.
Pancho x

05-02-12, 00:01
Thank you.
I have been distracting my self for a while now and it seems to be working good but i cant shake the fear of e-coli from my head. i never have soft bowel movments like that (nearly dirroheoa)
and the cooking equipment was gross eurgh. Im suprised its not been shut down.

---------- Post added at 23:25 ---------- Previous post was at 22:58 ----------

im so confused as to why my bowels are acting like this.
ive had lots of calcium in the last week. can that make bowels soft?
I am so scared. but surely a lot of people would be ill to.

---------- Post added 05-02-12 at 00:01 ---------- Previous post was 04-02-12 at 23:25 ----------

also booking an app on monday for leg. just went down stairs put foot on floor and the pain again :( so upset.

05-02-12, 13:02
You should be sending your tummy love as well. TUMMIES COUNT TOO.

Also, once you know you can deal with any outcome, be it e-coli or leg falling off, why fear it? I know that if I got e-coli, it would present itself with very sinister symptoms (much more sinister than a bit of loose bowells) , and I would calmly see a doctor or nurse and get it sorted in hospital. A bit of proper illness might do you good. You are catastrophising.

05-02-12, 14:05
i never have soft bowel movments like that (nearly dirroheoa)Really ? Then you have been very very healthy Emma to be honest ! :o)) I once had amoebic dysentry, that ran on for a month on and off, now that is real horrible bowel stuff. Everyone gets the runs now and again !

Emma, if it did give you a bit of a tummy upset, which it might have done by the sound of the state of the place, clearly it is nothing bad as you've be throwing up non-stop and really ill by now.

05-02-12, 20:38
thank you :) well sometimes ive had them in the past but recently just normal ones other than this lol.

also in bed last night/this morning i rolled over asleep and hit my head on my ninetendo ds that id left next to on as i fell asleep before turning it off. i woke up up with my head on it... and half hanging of the bed. i now i have a pain (soreness) were my head was on the DS and my eye on that side feels really funny like droopy.
sorry for the rant.

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:29 ----------

also feels like something in it and cant see it out it right and keep rubbing it.

05-02-12, 21:06
If you've slept with your head on something then it WILL hurt, but it's nothing bad. Anyone would have that.

Everyone's bowels change depending on what they eat/drink, and the odd difference is nothing to worry about.

If your eye is sore then don't rub it as it'll only make it worse.

What happened to trying to list logical answers for your aches/pains as I suggested a while back? I know it's difficult but beating anxiety isn't easy for anyone, and a lot of hard work is involved.

05-02-12, 21:09
sigh...eyes, head and anus are also in need of love Emma. Each and every anus is important.

06-02-12, 20:47
Thanks Lizzie and Pancho :) feel better today
but today at school there is an urn were u boil hot water and it gets filled each day but not emptied i drank out of there (coffee) but then my teacher said earlier the water from the urn tasted horrible and nasty and now im scared it was dangerous.
it never gets emptied she said after :(

06-02-12, 21:17

You are a STRONG person. If you got a life threatening illness, you are so damn healthy you would fight it and come out stronger in the end. If anything you should be WISHING you get ill.

You really are not moving forward. The more reassurance you get, the worse your health anxiety gets. You know that, we've all been drilling it into you. Why sort one problem out when another follows? Why not 1. Sort out the panic 2. Sort out problem.
Dr Claire Weeks always states that you FIRST change your state of mind and stop the panic disorder getting the better of you - THEN address the problem(s) (water, leg, eye, poop) from your new perspective.

Cut the panic tree down AT THE ROOTS - and never trim the millions of branches again.
You can do this Emma, accept the fear, move on. Don't give it power over you.

And don't forget to keep sending love to yor limbs. They need da love.

07-02-12, 18:26
Thank you.
I have been given citlopram today but im worrred to take them :(. i shouldnt have read the side affects.
didnt mention legs to doc. still getting the pain when i step down on it sometimes.
also for years iver had ankle cramps. so bad i cry. very occasionly get them. last few a few mins then go. also foe years got ankle cramp when running and stepping down on the floor :(

07-02-12, 20:42
If the doc has given you citalopram, start taking them, honestly you need them and they will help

07-02-12, 20:45
I agree take the citalopram Emma its worth a shot, you really need some help dealing with your anxiety and these will help xx

07-02-12, 20:52
Take them.

07-02-12, 21:19
Thats given me some motivation to.
I need them.
Last time though my mother found them and threw them out
Im nervous as im going to take them without her knowing and if something bad happens I have no one to tell. If i could talk to my parents without their violent responses i would be more at ease taking them.

07-02-12, 22:29
Why did she throw them out?

08-02-12, 15:04
to cut a long story short because she doesnt understand health anxiety and how crippling it is.
I used to ask her for advice all the time and she could get very verbally violent with me so i stopped about a year ago asking.
also sometimes our boiler produces steam outside (a lot of it) and sometimes it produces no steam :(

08-02-12, 16:01
Have you started the citalopram? X x

08-02-12, 16:08
Honestly I have not. I really want to but I have no one to tell at home if something goes wrong. Its one in the morning and one in the evening starting at just 10mg.

08-02-12, 17:56
That is a very small amount - it's not likely anything will go wrong. People don't usually have "reactions" to citalopram, just side effects. If you take one in the morning, it will be daylight and all you will have to is sit through the day until the evening, and if you are ok, then you might as well take the rest. If you can jump the hurdle, jump it. No one can force you, but I say give it a shot and we're all here for advise :)
(and your boiler sounds like it's in need of some love)

08-02-12, 18:40
you really need to start taking them hun for your own sake, yeah you may get some side effects but they don't last and your an adult now and its YOUR decision whether you take AD's NOT your parents, yeah they can voice their opnions but at the end of the day its up to ypu and reading through alot of your threads its clear you have quite severe health anxiety and you really do need help with that and the meds WILL help you, please take them xx

09-02-12, 21:07
Thank you.
Well I took my 1st one about an hour ago now and i'm feeling normal (ie no sickness yet) have to see what i feel like in the morn

Also i wash my hair everyday as i sweat over night to the point were i am wet through sometimes :(. and i brush my hair A LOT in the day as were i live is so windy most of the time.... im very frightened of hair loss from brushing my hair. Im considering actually throwing my brush away i am so scared.
My hair is soo thick that if i didnt sweat would not need washing everyday.

09-02-12, 21:14
YAY! You took the pill! That is a good step forward Emma, anything bad would have definately happened by now so you are ok.

09-02-12, 21:15
my gp did tell me it could make me feel quite sick until my body gets used to it.
But an hour is not even enough time to start making me feel sick?
Im so scared right now that it will affect one of my major organs :(

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ----------

Thanks Pancho :)

10-02-12, 18:21
Feeling sick isn't bad like coming out in a rash or dying. It'll be worth it.

---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

or allergic reactions which are sudden. Anyway, still feeling ok?

10-02-12, 18:21
Wow Emma, well done, that must have taken huge amounts of courage. Have you told your doctor about your Mum throwing your last meds out ?

10-02-12, 22:04
Thank you both ::)

Feeling very dizzy and sick today but I know its just a side effect.

I did tell my doctor he said I was 18 now and to not let her stop my road to recovery or learning to manage my anxiety better.

I only brushed my hair twice a day but a few mins ago i did it for about 10 mins. I fear hair falling out lol

11-02-12, 07:27
Well done x x

11-02-12, 14:55
thank you

still feeling very anxious today about my heart mainly

Also every few weeks i get this thing were i feel a baloon like feeling in my chest and i cant breathe for a few seconds (so hard to explain). its like air being sucked in. just randomly once every few weeks but i got it today after walking up stairs and being out of breath.another way to describe it is chest contracts and i physically can not breathe at all.
i get this for a few seconds every few weeks :( so it cant be anxiety as it would be there more.
It feels like air is there and being pushed in.
i cant explain it but it feels so serious.

its very hard but its not like anxiety as i get it when walking sometimes. one time i climbed up a few stairs and was gasping for air- out of breath so badly and it happened. it has to be my heart :(
I know ive posted it before but im so scared i cant even get out of bed today.
Ive got up to force my self to have breakfast and a drink then came back to bed :(

---------- Post added at 14:55 ---------- Previous post was at 13:45 ----------

also sometimes i can hear my mum crying and screaming my name but when i go down to see her shes just sitting watching tv normally. its very strange. i have no one to tell.
I have no family i can tell. I have no friends i can tell. heck I don't even have friends.
When i was 11 in my first year of secondary school I used to get bullied by almost the whole class. They would trip me up, throw stuff at me, call me names (ugly, bushy, spotty etc)
I'd go home every day in tears and would physically shake every morning going into school.
I've had enough of everything. In some ways I wish i wasn't scared of death . I'd dread to think if I would actually do some of the stuff i consider if I wasn't so scared to die.

11-02-12, 15:19
Hows it going on the citalopram hun? what dose are you taking? xx

11-02-12, 15:22
I'm ok on that thanks for asking.
I have a headache all around my brows etc and round the back of my head from tension and no doubt the pills are making me feel ill. But i know its a side effect and it should calm as my body gets used to it. Well i hope so anyway. I havn't noticed a difference yet and i doubt i will for at least a month but it takes time.
Only 10mg at the moment. Got docs app late next week to talk about it more X

11-02-12, 15:27
headaches is a common side effect of cit xx

11-02-12, 15:31
Yes guess I just have to grin and bear it.
Am I ok to take a paracetomol? i never asked the doctor that question.

11-02-12, 15:56
you are ok to take Paracetamol but not Ibruprofen while taking Citalopram

11-02-12, 15:56
Yeah paracetamol is fine x x

11-02-12, 16:07
Thank you :)
Just took a couple now xx

11-02-12, 21:07
I've also got a funny feeling near one armpit and under it. like somethings stuck on my skin.
ahh my heart attack worry will drive me insane lol.

---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

actually edit that i dont know what it feels like, its weird and strange though.

11-02-12, 21:19
I've also got a funny feeling near one armpit and under it. like somethings stuck on my skin.
ahh my heart attack worry will drive me insane lol.

Emma, stop ! Every little niggle, tickle, prickle, 'funny feeling', itch and slight ache does NOT mean that there is something seriously wrong with you. You need to tell yourself that, and tell yourself that often. :)

11-02-12, 22:04
Emma, you have snuck a number of little fears into this thread and we are not going to reassure you on any of them.
You know that there are endless things that will worry you, and reassuring on one will not make a difference to your life in any way.
Keep telling yourself that you can hold off these fears until the cit starts to work. That's just a few weeks.
You can do it. Test yourself.

11-02-12, 22:15
Ok :)
I know Pancho . Its not so much for reasurance.. well it is partly but 1st it is because other than my GP I have no one else in my life I can tell. I used to have a friend at that would tell me to shut up and get on with it- I don't speak to him anymore.

I also think long term being on AD is not what I want. But if one day I wanted to come of them then the anxiety is going to come back again- am I going to have to live a life were i am physically dependent on these. I know their meant to help but it was never what I wanted to do and i was very anti AD for a long time.

we can only see how the next few weeks/month go

12-02-12, 19:13
also i know its the smallest thing but i lost one hair when i shampooed this morning. i was really gentle and have never lost a hair shampooing before ever.

12-02-12, 19:17
i loose lots of my hair when i wash it, its completely normal, im actually surprised i have any hair left after all the bleach ive had on it over the years!! lol xx

12-02-12, 19:18
Sorry, Emma, are you serious here ? ONE hair ??? You do know that every human being loses 60-100 hairs every day ? Of course you have lost loads of hair washing your hair and brushing your hair, have you never seen hair in a plug hole or hair in a hairbrush. Emma, I am really glad you are taking your meds and I really hope they work well for you quickly.

12-02-12, 19:21
It is normal to lose up to about 100 hairs a day on a comb, brush, in the sink or on the pillow. This is the result of the normal hair growth cycle. Hairs will grow for a few years, then rest for a few months, shed, and regrow.

12-02-12, 20:06
I lose tons of hair every day, when I wash it, brush it, run my fingers through it, etc. I've not gone bald or anything! As others have said, everyone loses hair every day, it's totally normal. Have you never noticed people with a hair on their back/shoulder? Happens all the time. You will have lost loads before and either not noticed or not thought anything of it.

13-02-12, 21:45
Thank you all so much. its only because ive never seen hair come out whilst washing or any down the plug lol! getting it cut Friday anyway...
went out today for distraction but had hood up all day and it was tight and rubbing against my head (but my hair looked bad so i had it on all day) and now i feel very very dizzy and feel like its damaged my brain (not out for reasurance just a place to write down what i'm feeling) as i have no one.
Printing of this thread to take to my GP this week.

14-02-12, 14:24
Yes Emma, you do definitely need to see your GP to try and get this under control. A hood rubbing on your head and 'damaging your brain', one hair coming out when shampooing your hair...shows that your HA is severely out of control. I think you should be asking your GP for more help than you are currently getting, you need some cognitive behavioural therapy. Do you see anyone currently ?

14-02-12, 18:59
The doctor should have offered you medication and therapy, that's standard. They can't expect medication to cure you, it's there so that you can more fully engage in getting better however you choose to do that.
Can I suggest the CBT4Panic program, unless you have only small amount of money which is fine.
Although I shouldn't have to suggest paying for something, our health system needs to cover it! Oh it's annoying, but if you do save up for some kind of course, it will be worth it.

15-02-12, 21:05
Thanks people.
A year ago i got reffered saw the Phsyc and she said i wasnt severe enough for that type of counessling! even though i was on the verge of harming my self physically.

15-02-12, 22:25
Psych turned me down as well, they seem to think that if we want to get better, we will somehow find a way. They prefer the criminally insane, someone they can get their teeth into. Have they given you any other options?

15-02-12, 22:33
Online CBT. i said i wanted a real person to help me not a pc though even though i have tried the courses online.
other than that no- i just dont feel like any one cares really...
One physc turned me down and said go to someone else not in the NHS ... well I did that and they also said i wasnt bad enough for counessling! what else can i do.
i cant pay for it.

16-02-12, 16:58
So you tried CBT4panic? I love it, free for 30 days, even if you quit before the 30 days, you still get the workbooks and the DVD and videos and stuff. It's the most helpful thing I've found so far for anxiety. I don't know if it would suit Health Anxiety but it's worth a try if you haven't already.
Otherwise, it looks like it's just us that are here for you now.
You will have to find a way to get through the thoughts and feelings yourself. As long as you realise that giving the thoughts enough power that you have to write them down and "vent" them, they are winning.
You could set yourself reasonable targets for getting better, eg. Expose yourself to the thoughts by letting them come for a set amount of time then raise the bar a little each time.
Whatever you choose to do to beat this, you can't go on fearing every sensation of your body alll day every day. We need to find you a way forward, something will come up. We'll get there Emma, something will help...