View Full Version : The road to freedom

17-06-06, 00:58
Just thought I'd let you all know what I've been up to for the last couple of months. Potted history for those who don't know, I had 10yr relationship with an alcoholic, got divorced, brought up my teenage son, had excellent career in IT management, endured many years of acute stress both at home and work, got a great new partner, but then suddenly got physically ill, got health anxiety, started having panic attacks, ended up with acute generalised anxiety with a spot of agoraphobia thrown in. Basically crashed and burned at the end of last year. Big time.

Since then, I have learnt so much about anxiety (and myself) and how to deal with it (and me). My partner was brilliant with me. I found NMP. I had some psychotherapy. I came clean to friends and family. I then decided to address the negative things in my life which were clearly the underlying cause of my illness. Basically to let go of the past and find a new way forward.

Soooo... I have now ditched my job, moved to a different part of the country with the man I love, taken a more chilled outlook on life, been a little more selfish than I ever allowed myself to be before, have started a small business, have just been to a rock festival with 57000 people there (unthinkable even just a month ago) and am happier than ever before in my life!!

My anxiety symptoms are pretty much non-existent now I know I can manage them effectively. I am not on medication. I'm pretty broke but hey I feel free at last.... phew!

Eeb xx

PS My poor old cat died in March and I was so heartbroken. Now I feel ready to get another one and am off to look at a pair of lovely new kittens tomorrow.

17-06-06, 08:44
WOW!!! well done!!! That is HUGE!!! its amazingf to see how far weve come when we look back. Thanks for sharing a great story and giving us all hope and inspiration!
Becci x x x

17-06-06, 14:44

Wow! I wondered how you were doing.

Sounds like you have started a new life and are so much happier now and that is great news to hear.:D

Well done on all your progress - fab news to hear.
