View Full Version : Random Thumping in Left Ear

03-02-12, 03:29
Does anyone get a random thumping sensation in their ears? It doesn't really go with my heartbeat or anything, but it more like a random fluttering (like if a moth were stuck in there or something). It happens a few times each day and only for like a minute or two. Kinda got scared reading about it on google, so thought I would ask on here. I also have TMJD on the left side of my jaw too, so maybe it's connected???

03-02-12, 07:40
Hi, I get that and also have tmj, my doctor said its like ur ear drum having a spasm. Totally harmless. Feels a bit weird but really nothing to worry about.

03-02-12, 21:20
Thanks... That makes a lot of sense about the ear drum having spasms. It just feels so odd and causes a little bit of panic when it happens, but it's good to know that it is most likely connected to my TMJ also.

03-02-12, 22:30
YES. I get this, I describe it as my ear vibrating. It drive's me nuts. It's like the same thing as when your eyelid twitches. I first had it after a flight and was convinced I'd messed up my ears.... haven't gone deaf yet and that was over two years ago!

04-02-12, 23:05
Same here- had it for years and years on and off. It feels like a cross between someone banging my eardrum with a stick and a loud twich and I have heard it is like your eyelid twitching - I too have tmj in the same side so maybe the two are connected.

05-02-12, 21:37
I have had this before - being 'Mr Rational' I immediately diagnosed myself with a brain tumor but it turned out to be a harmless spasm in the ear.

06-12-12, 15:38
I know this is an old thread, but I stumbled upon it while looking for the same symptoms and it's a bit of a relief! I've been having the same issues over the last few weeks. Very occasional periods of "thumping" in my right ear, maybe only once a day lasting for a minute or two. Had an ear infection a month ago which may also play a part in it.

Been getting extremely anxious about it - particularly worried if it's something that's going to get worse, but it sounds like it's something that's connected to stress. Also I clench my teeth a lot - no TMJ diagnosis, but my jaw is very tense a lot of the time.

06-12-12, 15:51
My doctor told me it is linked to anxiety because the blood pumps round quicker when we are anxious so it gives like a pulsating noise in the ear. i was really worried about it but since the doctor explained it to me it has gone! crazy anxiety :)

07-12-12, 12:42
Mine is more irregular, not in time with my pulse so I'm not sure if it's my blood pulsing. It feels more like a muscle attached to my eardrum - it can be like "thud.... thudthudthud... thud.... thudthud". Sometimes it just happens once, sometimes several times in a row, but only seems to last for a few seconds.

It's just making me extremely anxious when it happens at the moment, but I know the stress I put myself under doesn't help!

I think if I knew other people had this same symptom, or that it's relatively common and that it's not likely to get worse, then that would put my mind at rest.

07-12-12, 17:18
Hi! I'm the original poster of this old thread!! It's so weird that this is being brought up again because just these last few days the ear thumping sensation is back after not having it for well over 6 months.. I have been having some extra stress and anxiety latley as well as more clenching of my jaw so I am pretty convienced it's all stress and tension related!! Hope this helps ease your mind.. Best to you!!

08-12-12, 17:00
Thanks for the reply! It is reassuring to hear from someone with almost exactly the same symptoms. I've had general anxiety for several years now, and it's mostly under control but some things do tend to bring it to the surface again! Even though I've just been getting this noise in my ear maybe once or twice a day for a few seconds each time, it has been really concerning me. I've had it for a few weeks now, and there's absolutely no sign of it getting any worse or anything like that, but my mind is constantly thinking "what if it worsens!"

I believe random ear sounds like that are fairly common though, and I guess a lot of people without anxiety wouldn't even give them a second thought!

The worst thing about it, ironically, is that the sounds themselves don't seem to bother me too much, but my response to the sounds does! I'm in constant worry every time I hear a little sound in my ear that it'll set it off again, but the logical part of me says "so what if it does? It lasts for a little while then goes away!" - I never listen to the logical part of me enough though :)

29-05-13, 19:50
I just found this thread now. I get this weird sensation in my left ear when I talk sometimes, sort of like something vibrating/moving. It's hard to explain. I first noticed it a few months ago when I was lying down and then it happend again about a month or so ago (started when I was lying down again) and I started noticing it more,, no just when I was lying down. I went to my doctor a couple of weeks ago and he said the wax was impacted in my ears. He gave me some ear drops to soften the wax and I had my ears syringed last Thursday. I hadn't been noticing the sensation as much the last couple of weeks but have been noticing it again the past couple of days. Does anyone else get anything like this? It seems to happen mostly in my left ear.

Also my ear feels a bit irritated, I have eczema in my ears so sometimes they itch. Also I have a funny jaw that runs in my family, my aunt has it as well and my mum's used to get stuck a bit. Mine used to get stuck when I was a teenager and at the time I was told by a doctor that one part was growing faster than the other and it should settle down when it had finished. Now my jaw clicks when I eat sometimes and my doctor told me I have loose ligaments. I don't know if my jaw could also be affecting my ear?

30-05-13, 02:04
The jaw can affect the ear some how, I know TMJ can cause dizziness.
I also get ear ringing which can feel sort of odd too.
I get a weird thing where certain noises seem to make inside my ears vibrate and makes me dizzy. I don't know if that's at all related to the ear ringing some how.

The wax though I think is your main cause, a build up of wax can cause ear noises.
If it happens when you talk it might be the jaw or it might be that your ears are slightly blocked and the noise/sound of you talking Is some how affecting your ears.

30-05-13, 03:01
My ears ring with odd frequencies and sounds too. My ears has wax deep inside and I have been using ear drops as well, and hopefully it will work but fingers crossed it will work. If not, will get my ears syringed soon. My ears are not that bad as they ring sometimes, I had tinnitus constantly about few weeks ago but now they are getting less. Weird.

30-05-13, 03:20
I get this all the time in my right ear. And I've questioned if I have TMJ!
Must be apart of it. :)

30-05-13, 16:01
Thanks for your replies. :) I don't know much about TMJ, I might see if I can look it up or rather get someone else to do it for me because I don't want to trigger myself! I tend to look things up on here rather than doing a Google search.

Anxious_gal, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the jaw affecting it because it's all connected. I did have a lot of wax in both ears. I used to use cotton buds a lot in the past but had to stop using them because I got ear infections and it's bad for your ears. Although it is still tempting to use them sometimes! Maybe the wax is starting to build up again.

In the past when people have been talking a lot, my ears have seemed to vibrate, as if they've gone a bit oversensitive and the tone of their voice is too high pitched or something.

StarryBlueGal, I hope the drops help your ears.

Jenn, these symptoms can be so annoying! Hope you're doing ok. :)

30-05-13, 19:45
Thanks for your nice comment - you mentioned your ears vibrate when people talking... my back where my vibrations always start... below my left rib cage in the back.. I could feel vibrations from people talking and I could feel the microphone as well when I went to bingo last night. I think I am beginning to be more sensitive to other frequencies and vibrations. It is very weird and is freaking me out a bit!

My family looked in my ears today and said wax is still there deep down... so I hope to see the doctor next week to have it sorted out.

Starry xx

31-05-13, 12:52
You're welcome. :) Yeah, it could be that you're just picking up on other frequencies and vibrations more. I find that for me anxiety seems to cause all these weird symptoms!

My ears seem a bit better today. Hopefully that will help when you get yours syringed. :) xx

31-05-13, 13:01
my ears are playing up loads today, i was having a good day now i have the floaty ringing ears feeling again. ffs :(

01-06-13, 14:21
Sorry to hear your ears were playing up yesterday. Sometimes I'm having a better day but then I start panicking and it brings me down. :( Have you been to the doctor about your ears before? Hope you're doing ok today. :)

17-06-13, 02:55
I've had a thumping in my left ear for a few years now, the strange thing is its only triggered when flies or bees are buzzing around my head. Recently my electric shaver triggers it. I asked my Dr about it but didn't really get an answer other than it must be a response to that frequency or something. It seems the first time I got it, a fly was annoying me and flew into my ear and I was nervous about it going in my ear. So I'm wondering if its an anxiety type reaction.

24-06-13, 15:27
It could be an anxiety type reaction, I'm not sure. Or maybe when flies or bees are buzzing around your head, it causes you to focus on it or look out for the sensation more?

I went to the doctor about mine again the other week and he said it could be to do with ear wax and also my jaw (because I have loose ligaments and had problems with my jaw before).

19-07-13, 01:37
Hi, I've got a random thumping in my ear right now. It's really annoying. Plus I want to go for a scuba dive and am concerned it might affect my equalization when descending/ascending.
I've used an ear candle, which gave one day of relief, I've consistently tried to clear out any excess wax (doesn't seem to have as much as the non-thumping ear).
It's getting worse - did anyone use a remedy that gave notable relief?
I will try some eardrops next.
Might have to pay up and go to the doc's.

30-09-13, 23:59
I went to the doctor about my ear again a few weeks ago. My usual doctor wasn't there, so it was a locum. She looked in my ear and said that it was enflamed, so that could be causing it to be extra sensitive and feel vibrations more. I was given an ear spray and at first it didn't seem to make a lot of difference but my ear has been better lately. I thought I'd mention it in case it could be the cause of other people's thumping/vibrations as well. :)

Sorry I didn't reply to you Kwozzy, I haven't been on here for a while. Did you go to the doctor's? How is your ear now? It would probably be best to get eardrops prescribed because you might need a certain type. :) I've never used an ear candle, I wouldn't want to put one in my ears personally because I get eczema in them. That's good that it gave you some relief. :) I just looked them up quickly and did see some warnings about using them. I just thought I should let you know. :)

01-10-13, 06:38
I just found this thread now. I get this weird sensation in my left ear when I talk sometimes, sort of like something vibrating/moving. It's hard to explain. I first noticed it a few months ago when I was lying down and then it happend again about a month or so ago (started when I was lying down again) and I started noticing it more,, no just when I was lying down. I went to my doctor a couple of weeks ago and he said the wax was impacted in my ears. He gave me some ear drops to soften the wax and I had my ears syringed last Thursday. I hadn't been noticing the sensation as much the last couple of weeks but have been noticing it again the past couple of days. Does anyone else get anything like this? It seems to happen mostly in my left ear.

Yes!! I get that! Also sometimes when the car radio is on - as though it is being spoken by Daleks...

I have tinnitus but it's been a lot worse in my right ear since a very persistent infection a couple of months ago (or more?! Prozac telecopes my time). I'm going back to the doc's on Thursday about pain and a blocked feeling.

I was very traumatised at birth by an emergency Caesarian and was always a frightened child. I had no idea until recently (I'm 53 now) that my hyperacute hearing all these years has been down to lifelong. anxiety. I would guess that many, MANY people have hearing symptoms.

I only really notice the tinnitus when I ma trying to be quiet - out in the countryside, or at night. I have learnt to welcome it (I know that sounds odd!) as fighting against it makes it more intrusive. It has been very loud lately and very varied - I get the classic 'ringing', heavy lorry engines, high squeaks and rumbling... but I pretend they are a new kind of instrument tuning up.

Works for me... lol I try to see it as a gift of some kind, and let it kind of wash through me and I am learning to let it lull me to sleep. Mine is very loud but it CAN be done!

I LOVE that phrase: 'The floaty ringing ears feeling' Yes!

PLEASE!!!! Do NOT poke anything in your ears (guilty as charged, I apparently did some damage and have gone cold turkey) and ESPECIALLY NOT EAR CANDLES!!!!!!!!

03-10-13, 14:57
Hope you can get your ear sorted out at the doctor's today. :) Sorry to hear you had a traumatic birth. I expect that, like you say, a lot of these symptoms are to do with anxiety.

I used to use cotton buds a lot but learnt that I shouldn't!

ben johnson
09-06-14, 10:03
hello luv2teach

the thumping in your ears might be cus u have an ear infection, i dont think its to do with ur tabelts at all so u need to go down the doctors and see what they tell u to do, the only thing i casn say is put olive oil in ur ear for 30mins but if ur going to do it then lay down, put it in the ear that is facing the sky, then stay there for 30mins then wash it down and do the same again xx

from ben xx

18-07-16, 14:52
Thank you all for the comments! I hate being too good at analyzing and I'll read the worse case scenarios about Pulsatile Tinnitus. But many of your explanations prove that it's NOT Pulsatile Tinnitus.

Thank you Natalie... Thank you all

France s
30-06-17, 06:49
I'm relieved to find this thread. I'm having the same thud thudthudthud sounds in only my left ear. Been having it on and off for about a week. My stress level is extreme, iwhich seems to fit in with what I'm reading here.

08-07-17, 14:18
Hope you're doing ok today, France_s. I don't get the thumping/vibration in my ear as much now but still get it sometimes, e.g. the other day I was chopping some food on the worktop and the vibration made it thump a bit. Or it can vibrate a bit if someone is talking in a certain tone. I think my ears are just quite sensitive.

Have you been to the doctor to get your ear checked? It may be enflamed or just have a lot of wax in and need syringing. :)

02-02-18, 22:05
My symptoms like this just started yesterday. It is extremely annoying but not panic inducing. Mine is very sporadic but never goes away for very long. The thumping is very irregular. I thought it could be some water in my ear, who's level fluctuates and makes noise as it blocks off some channel or other. Any opinions on this possibility? It doesn't seem heartbeat related to me