View Full Version : Dizziness and headache after eating?

03-02-12, 10:53
I've noticed for the past few days that I wasn't feeling right throughout the day.
for the last couple of days I've noticed that it starts after I eat breakfast which is usually 2 slices of toast and a couple of chocolate biscuits.
could it be some kind of food intolerance or something more?
I've never had any problem like this before.
symptoms are dizziness, lightheadedness, a metallic taste in mouth and a headache. I also feel sick and get a stomach ache.
I'm not 100% sure if it's because of the food but it seems to fit in. I'll keep a watch out.
really worried :shrug:

03-02-12, 18:19
have you been checked for daibetes

03-02-12, 18:31
i suddenly started to get really bad within half an hour of eating mushrooms... headache , sick feeling.... took me ages to work out it was mushrooms, and id eaten them for years, but you can suddenly get an allergy to a food... try cutting out one or the other first and see what happens....