View Full Version : advice needed please

03-02-12, 13:50
Hi all i have weird feelings in my stomach today they wont lift . worse than butterflies if you like and feeling dizzy spaced out can anxiety cause this all at once any help appreciated guys thanks :) or am i worrying over nothing also a wee bit of balance today xxx .:unsure::unsure:

03-02-12, 14:27
I feel exactly the same today. It is soooo annoying but it is entirely due to anxiety. Increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol rushing round your body.

Saying that, I know this is what is causing my jitters today but I can't seem to shake them off. But I'll keep working on it. I've found if I stop fighting it and obsessing over it I feel better.

03-02-12, 14:51
Sounds like anxiety to me.

Its horrible but harmless so just let it be there, the less you worry about it the less it will bother you, the less it will be there.

Flip the coin- the more you worry about it, the more it will bother you, the more it will be there.

SImple answer- do nothing to try to make it go away, it can be there forever if it likes because it really doesnt matter either way. ( when you can say that and mean it- it will take a hike) x