View Full Version : New to this site

03-02-12, 14:39

I'm Leoni, I'm 25 and I'm new to this site after stumbling across it while looking for information about coping techniques. I've been suffering from what I think is agoraphobia for about a year now, and almost completely housebound. Luckily, my partner is incredibly supportive but it has got to the point where I know that things won't change if I don't get help. I'm afraid to see my GP though, as my father suffered from anxiety and became addicted to prescription drugs, and I'm terrified that if I'm put on any medication, that something similar will happen to me. I want to be able to talk to my dad about this, as he is now completely panic free, but I'm afraid of him being disappointed in me (which is silly, I know!)

The whole situation is so frustrating that I end up getting angry with myself a lot, which doesn't help.

Sorry to ramble on :blush: I'm hoping that being able to talk to people in similar situations to myself will help, and that eventually I'll be able to support others as well.

Thanks :)

03-02-12, 14:40
Hi byron_girl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-02-12, 14:43
Im no fan of meds, but you say your father is now panic free, so maybe the meds might help you too?
Definately worth a visit to your GP, they can offer other alternative to meds, like CBT counselling... you dont have to take meds just because doc suggests it... I dont take meds, even though my doc keeps offering!
Also we inherit alot of these problems from our parents..so dont be afraid to talk to your dad, he should not be disappointed in you at all.. not your fault... my dad suffers depression.....