View Full Version : Just want to stay at home all my life

03-02-12, 14:59
Ok this is a strange thread I know but basically I am constantly think it would be great to just stay at home for the rest of my life and never work.

I love being at home and have some annual leave to take so I'm at home currently.
My anxieties are much lower than usual, I don't need to panic about rushing aound or getting up in the morning in time.

My mum is a stay at home mum/wife and I really envy her life now. I have a university degree and have been accepted onto a teaching course but a big part of me just wants to stay at home forever. Its so much easier.

03-02-12, 15:08
no its not huni!!!
Im a stay at home mummy and ive had PND twice and now suffering with panic attacks,anxiety,ocd and have just been diagnosed with PTSD!!!
I never did go to UNI (though i should have carried on after college and done that Illustration course,or the Photography course I didnt finish!).......I wasted my teenage years in dead end jobs,getting drunk and taking drugs.....not to mention all the hurtful relationships.
you have this chance....please dont waste it!!!!
being indoors will just give you more time with your thoughts and anxiety...get out there and LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!!! you have so much to look forward to

03-02-12, 16:04
I have to agree with sickandtired here girlafraid.

I'm a carer for my wife and I have anxiety/depression.I stay at home because my wife needs me,but you have the opportunity to fight this horrible illness.Being at home most of the time enables this illness to get its claws into us,and yes I suppose it is easier but when we do that we get caught up in it more deeply than if we are out there battling it.

Having said all that,its your life and your decision.

Take good care.

03-02-12, 16:12
You have a whole life to live, and we only get on shot at it, life isnt a dress rehersal !
You have a wonderful life in teaching to look forward to, fullfilling life too... and if you didnt suffer anxiety you wouldnt even be thinking twice about it!
The easy route isnt living a true happy life.. meeting people, doing something worthwhile, seeing all the world has to offer, thats a life worth having surely...
Do you really want to look back when your old, and see you did nothing but stay in your house?

03-02-12, 17:32
Sometimes I used to feel the same but I knew it was making me so unhappy and lonely. You can't spend your life hiding away, in the long run its not a good thing.

03-02-12, 17:37
ive been the same,always making excuses for not going anywhere......friends eventually stop calling round as you change so much and retreat into your little hidey hole,you become this shadow...not the bright, happy person you once were.........it is no way to live!

03-02-12, 21:37
I have to agree with everyone else on this topic... I resigned from my teaching job due to panic attacks in September and have been at home since then. My anxiety got worse (also had two deaths in the family) and I developed agoraphobia. I'm working to overcome this now and hopefully get back to work because I feel that the distraction would help me out a lot. I miss teaching sooooooo much and I felt like I lost a part of myself when I quit... I got very depressed for a while, but I knew I needed time to sort myself out as I couldn't get calling out sick or leaving early due to panic attacks.

I can't wait to start teaching again (when the time is right) and sometimes wonder if I would be as bad as I am now if I would have just stayed at my job and pushed through my issues. I personally think you should continue with the teaching course because being a teacher is such a fulfilling career. I couldn't imagine going back to anything else! Xx

03-02-12, 22:28
I have to say I had to take the week off work I was so bad with panic and although I worried about going back, I feel an awful lot better for it. Sure, there are less stresses, but life isn't meant to be lived 'at home'. Life is for living!! Nothing worthwhile was ever easy. :)

Also, I never got to go to university, and now in my thirties I'm studying with the Open University. Whilst all my friends are dual income, no kids, I'm sat at home writing essays whilst my partner and friends are out having fun. Trust me, do it in your twenties when all your friends are doing the same thing, then when your my age and you've overcome your anxieties, life will be the best thing ever :D ...right, back to my essay!

04-02-12, 05:25
I feel this sums it up well. " work maketh man" (or woman) and "the devil makes work for idle hands"

Being at home with no purpose in life will tear you apart. We need a reason to be. Just find work you enjoy may be in a book shop or something that brings you a little calm.

Take Care


04-02-12, 10:42
Agree Meewah, people underestimate how important work is in life, it gives us a feeling of self purpose and self worth, so even a part time job can help you in life.

04-02-12, 18:06
I have to totally agree with all the above replies. I am fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to not have to go out to work for a living and stay at home with my son however my anxieties have never been as bad as this before!
I often reminisce of the time I went to work and the vast social life I had. I have none of that now as I remain indoors with an easy excuse and few true friends.

Believe me, we all want what we haven't got but that doesn't always make it the right thing for us.
Use your degree girl and enjoy your life to the fullest!

04-02-12, 20:04
Wonderful words SickandTired:) Really try to find life in outdoor interests also.
Regarding the teaching training course ...it's useful ....and it is not mandatory that you enter teaching once you have completed the course.

I remember the "golden handshake" they were offering people who went onto TTC. That is a good incentive :)

Yet if you are not up to full-time teaching then why not take a sabbatical ? You have already worked so hard getting a degree.

And so I do understand why you would want to re-group your thoughts' at home after University. It scrambled my mind:) Don't know how I finished it all !!!!
