View Full Version : Advice Please!

04-02-12, 03:30
I could really use some advice. I have a terrible phobia of taking my blood pressure and I fear that I'm obsessing over it. I have a case of white coat syndrome and I don't how to get rid of it.

I have a wrist blood pressure machine which I use at home and I'm always a lot more relax and get good readings. When I'm at the doctor's office my heart rate is way high (130) and my blood pressure increases too. My last reading was like 137/80.

Has anyone cured their white coat syndrome and if so how did you do it?

I'm not on any anxiety medication or anything like that but I'm just so afraid or dying from a heart attack or stroke. I'm only 24 and shouldn't be thinking like this but I am. I heard of this natural supplement called "true calm". Do you think if I took that before my visit it would help me relax?

Thank you in advance!

04-02-12, 04:22
I haven't cured my white coat syndrome but I want you to know you're not alone! At home I also get good readings, but my pulse at the doctors office is always 130+ bpm and my blood pressure is also slightly elevated (I have pretty low-normal bp ranges at home). I wish I had a solution, but one thing that helps a little is to let the nurse or doctor know before they take it that you are feeling nervous/anxious and that your readings will probably be a little high. Then take a few deep breaths and relax your body as much as possible (almost like making it go completely limp). I hope this helps some and hopefully there are others on here with some more advice! Xx