View Full Version : bad left leg pain!

04-02-12, 06:34
okay, now,...... I have been having bad left leg pain on and off since dec. 18th ... that day my inner and outer knee joints acted up again, (they're always stiff), and they became very achy, stiffer, and swollen (it didn't look like that on the outside, but I could definately feel it on the inside!) .... also, it was aching on the inside of the kneecap, and behind the knee, where I ended up with a Bakers Cyst ...... well, ok, so, in about 8 days or so, the knee joints, and kneecap were better, and I didn't have to limp around anymore .... but I was left with that swelling on the back of the knee (bakers cyst I believe), and wild and crazy left leg pain all this time! I'm about ready to loose it!

Let me describe these "pains"....ok, now the bakers cyst has diminished quite a bit, but it's still there, however, I know it can take months for that to go away....however, I still get pains in the back of the knee in there, some are sharp, but mostly aching..... then, up the back of the thigh..OMG! ,.... even down the calf...sometimes it feels as if the calf muscle and the back of the thigh muscle cramp up, not always simultaneously though... other times, it's just plain PAIN, not throbbing, not cramping, not knotted, not shooting....no, just constant pain .... it's lovely...I have to take tylenol, advil or whatever...... sometimes it helps, sometimes not ..... I rub all kinds of creams on there as well, Ben Gay, Capsaicin, Traumeel cream.....and once again, sometimes it's great and really helps, other times, no! LIKE TONIGHT! I'm being driven crazy ... then I thought maybe sciatica ...so, here I go...goooooooogling .... well, ok, maybe......maybe not. I dont know.... maybe anxiety?

DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS? could this really be anxiety?

Let me say, I DO live in a stressful, anxiety filled situation ..... I am definatley NOT happy ..... there is stress on every side ..... but, I don't know if THIS leg pain would be caused by that, since it seemed it started with the knee joint thing back on dec. 18th ..... however, I DO know that anxiety can make it WORSE! As far as the idea of sciatica..well, I don't have any back pain, but I read you don't have to ....

I would greatly appreciate any info. on this...thank you everyone!

06-02-12, 03:16
does anyone have any thoughts on this? I am a nervous wreck!