View Full Version : have not slept again!

will this end
04-02-12, 07:28
hi eveyone,
never used a forum before.just want to try something different in my ongoing battle with anxiety!
i am a 40 year old builder from england, i have struggled with this hell on and off for about 20 years,in the middle of a real bad time at the minute went to see my gp yesterday she was really helpfull and understanding but she suggested i try citalopram.was prescribed this around 4years ago and after just 1 tablet had the worst night of my life!! so i am very wary of these tablets.i explained this and she has given me some diazepam to work alongside them.can anyone give me any help as to what to do?
i am really hoping to meet people using this site who can help me through the really bad times, and in turn do everything i can to help others.just to talk to someone who understands how i feel would be a great help. many thanks.

04-02-12, 07:30
Hi will this end

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-02-12, 07:34
Hello. I'm a new member too. I joined yesterday. :)

04-02-12, 14:51
Welcome to nmp. You need to give Citalopram a chance to work it is common to have side effects for the first 2 weeks.

04-02-12, 14:58
i agree,because although diazepam might help calm you down....i think the AD,s are needed to give you that lift out of the deep depression anxiety and PA,s can bring

04-02-12, 15:41

I had real bad problems with anxiety (still do at times) and multiple panic attacks 2 1/2 years ago (still get odd panic, usually when I'm unwell or in difficult situations).
My GP was brilliant and listened to me (he only joined the practice 3 weeks before - gd timing).
As he said I needed immediate help, he put me on Diazepam initially, then I also was put on Citalopram. I coped pretty well with it. (I'm normally a non tablet taken - being brought up not to take them. However, when you have to you of course do. Anything to make life bearable).
After a while I noticed a big difference and my confidence started to gradually return and panics to reduce in frequency.
In fact, when I got better, I was very scared to come off them. But I did it!
Thank God I've been medication free for 12 months+ now.

However, medications react differently with different individuals. My advice would be to give it time - say 6 weeks for it to get into your system. Then go from there.

You mention that you've had problems for 20 years now. Here are a couple of other non medication suggestions that might help:-

Also, just prior to going on the medication I went on a course called Amber which was via my GP. Its a 10 week course (in a group setting) to help deal with anxiety/panics etc. Unfortunately, as I took ill with what I call my eruption of panic attacks midway through it, it was difficult concentrating - but I made myself and didn't miss a week.

After that, I was referred for CBT - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - again via GP and at the same practice. Its training your mind to change its negative way of thinking and questions why we feel as we do when we do. It was a massive help. Ok, it hasn't cured me - but it has helped me to face things better.

Both of the above were available to me on NHS.

A year ago, I started to go on holidays again. I avoided flying on my own as I suffer with claustrophobia also. But I hadn't been on holiday for 6 years after becoming single and was missing them. Sooo, I went for it!
There are tears every time I fly and my anxiety levels are very high, but I'm so proud of myself for being able to do it. I'm looking to book holiday no 4 since I was ill!

Feel free to write (and anyone else reading this) if I can help with anything else.

04-02-12, 17:00
im the same flying....bawl my eyes out taking off and landing.......and sit there asking everyone..."did u hear the landing gear? whats that noise? omg i cant see the runway"
my family all laugh at me,but i really cant help it![COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

anx mum
04-02-12, 17:22
The tablets u have been perscribed will take a good few weeks to get into your system. Im on diazpam too this can make u drowsy depending how much your on. My sleeping got out of hand my doctor perscribed sleeping tablets which did help while my anxiety was so high. Not sleeping can make your anxiety feel so much worse.

04-02-12, 20:00
im the same flying....bawl my eyes out taking off and landing.......and sit there asking everyone..."did u hear the landing gear? whats that noise? omg i cant see the runway"
my family all laugh at me,but i really cant help it![COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

I haven't flown for over 12 years due to my panic attacks!!! Last year was thinking hey I might try it again!! Then Christmas bang panic and anxiety back again!! I just think to myself its not necassary in MY life so why stress myself out?? My hubby goes away with mates etc on holiday abroad and when my little boy is older he can go away with his dad and other family members so he doesn't miss out on anything!!! x x x

04-02-12, 20:25
hi eveyone,
never used a forum before.just want to try something different in my ongoing battle with anxiety!
i am a 40 year old builder from england, i have struggled with this hell on and off for about 20 years,in the middle of a real bad time at the minute went to see my gp yesterday she was really helpfull and understanding but she suggested i try citalopram.was prescribed this around 4years ago and after just 1 tablet had the worst night of my life!! so i am very wary of these tablets.i explained this and she has given me some diazepam to work alongside them.can anyone give me any help as to what to do?
i am really hoping to meet people using this site who can help me through the really bad times, and in turn do everything i can to help others.just to talk to someone who understands how i feel would be a great help. many thanks.

Hi 'will this end', I saw your comment on my post and thought id put my reply on yours too.

To everyone who wants advice on citalopram...
A couple of years ago I started it after a failed attempt on fluoxetine and after a few months, and gradually increased it to 60mg, I felt amazing. It was a very high dose but it was the one that worked for me. Other people stop at lower ones but it depends on the person. I can't remember the side effects I had the first time but since starting back on them a few weeks ago I have had some. More anxiety (Ironic really), loss of appetite, loss of libido and jaw clenching. To be honest the worst one was the jaw clenching because its more of a physical affect, and i can cope better with the mental ones. Although these are my side effects, you may not have the same so try not to worry. Just think that it will be of benefit in the end.

Although im in a tough place at the moment, knowing these things makes it easier for me.

If you have any more questions on it just ask!

04-02-12, 21:06
Sorry to hear you're having a bad time - I've been there and know what it is like. I had citalopram for a year and it helped while it worked. Give it time to work though. You will get better. I also use diazipan alongside my antidepressants when days are really hard. Best wishes and remember you're not alone. You will have good days again .... :hugs:

04-02-12, 21:22
Hi I was on cit and they worked for me after 5 months the jaw clenching was awful and cracked a few fillings lol. but I stupidly stopped them and I crashed I did go back on them but dont think I gave them a chance as the side effects are awful. I am now on day 30 of fluoxitine but I muust say the SE are alwo awful I had a good few days last week but today and yesterday I felt back to square one feeling sick and anxious. but I am keeping on them.

I just wanted to know why you came off them sickeofthis?

Cathy xx

---------- Post added at 21:22 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

Sorry to hear you're having a bad time - I've been there and know what it is like. I had citalopram for a year and it helped while it worked. Give it time to work though. You will get better. I also use diazipan alongside my antidepressants when days are really hard. Best wishes and remember you're not alone. You will have good days again .... :hugs:

Do you still take your diazipam and what dose Elena?

Cathy xx

04-02-12, 22:16
I don't enjoy the fact that I'm taking citalopram and extremely embarrassed getting every prescription from the chemist. However, they have been a massive relief in dampening right down the poxy anxiety. Some of the initial side effects were tough and I'd love to just call them a day and get a completely clear head back....but the anxiety I was experiencing was taking over every waking moment on the worst days.

It is really worth sticking the initial days and weeks out, because when they kick in, you can't believe how much better you feel. However I wouldn't start on 20mg initially, take it easy on 10mg for a week or two.

Best of Luck.