View Full Version : shots of adrenaline and tingling

17-06-06, 12:38
Does anyone else get this? Sometimes, I get what seems like a huge rush of adrenaline and get this tingly/electric shock/pins and needles type thing run down my arms to my fingers. It happened today I got this bad chest pain for a split second, I guess I subconsciously worried and the tingling thing happened. It lasts for a few seconds. It seems to come with these sudden jolts I get.

Any reassurance would be good thanks :o)

Two heads
17-06-06, 20:00
Hi hun!
Yes i get this and my cardio said it is adrenaline.I get shocks in my head mainly hun so you not a lone.I all so find my nerves tingal alot toxxx

expecto patronum
19-06-06, 20:30
yeah I get this too, its like a little electric jolt going thru u?

expecto patronum
19-06-06, 20:31
yeah I get this too, its like a little electric jolt going thru u?

19-06-06, 23:57
i have had something which sounds very similar to this.
i had a rush that started in my feet and went right up my body to my head. it didn't feel like an electric shock feeling...more a feeling that i had freezing cold water running through my veins.

would this too have been an adreniline rush then? i know i was scared the first time it happened cos i was convinced i was having a stroke.

20-06-06, 08:30
Yes more than likely, freezing cold or hot flushes are very common with panic and anxiety. Unfortunately I get the hot ones which isn't good at this time of year!