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View Full Version : supermarket heart stuff igh

04-02-12, 16:07
so i was trying to find the bran flakes when i got like a two second heart flutter, or like an extra beat or a heart irregularity or something, then my heart was racing but not pounding and i got very anxious :( .. anyone??

04-02-12, 16:36
Yeah it is a palpitation - they are harmless - most people get them but some people notice them more than others.

04-02-12, 18:10
ye it was more like my heart went really light and did a weird flutter for 2 secs and then starting race, really scary

04-02-12, 18:24
Have you read this:


04-02-12, 18:58
I get these 'flutters' really regularly. When I take my pulse when it's happening, my heart is actually missing beats and I go light headed!
It sounds as though Nicola is right with you though with the palps as you say it was racing.
Try not to worry or stress about it as nothing ever comes of it and if anything stress brings it on.....in my case anyway. x

04-02-12, 19:00
ye it was racing, but not like pounding or 'thudding' .. if u know what i mean, i could only feel it was racing when i felt my pulse :s

04-02-12, 19:44
I get tons of flutters- they really mess with your head don't they? I never know which came first - the flutter or the anxiety. Hate it so much. I go light headed too. Double scary!

04-02-12, 20:04
I got it in the supermarket today as well. I get it quite often and usually manage to ignore it and get on with my shopping. The supermarket was very busy today.

I think it's just my anxiety that causes it. I have sufferred severe agoraphobia in the past and still do suffer but it's getting better. :yesyes:

05-02-12, 00:53
its always the supermarket lol