View Full Version : stay away from the womens magazines!

miss sparkle
04-02-12, 16:28
hi all. just wanted bit of a rant and relief! I am new to this site, but have been reading with interest everyone's posts, and relieved to hear there are alot of people going through the same worries as me!
bit of background, have had a few deaths in the family recently(dad,auntie and nephew)in last 3 years, and adding to that have had 2 beautiful children,which as turned my usual 'harmless' worrying up to a new level!
started suffering from depersonalistion and dizziness since just before Christmas due to little boy becoming quite poorly holiday, since then worry about anything and everything health related. went doctors who on my 4th visit agreed to do bloods, and was starting to convince myself that most things were in my head, then picked up some women's magazines at work today and were filled with brain tumor, cancel, heart attack story, and feel back to square one! :-(
used to really enjoy relaxing with a cuppa and magazine before all this started- will i ever be the same again!

04-02-12, 16:44
Sorry you have ben going through a bad patch, very hard to cope with children to look after. I know what you mean about the magazines. For some daft reason my daughter buys them, she does'nt know I know, but we go to her house to look after our granddaughter and the magazines are behind the settee.
They are so full of rubbish. I skip all the health stuff. It's the same with the internet.
Be time you have looked your symptoms up, makes you more depressed.
Are you having any meds or anything?

miss sparkle
04-02-12, 16:50
hi magic, thanks for your reply.
my doctor advised me to have a eye test, which i had this morning, everything normal, and put me on both depressents, but until my blood tests come back, i don't really want to take them, as would like to be sure it is depression related, not something else, and to be honest, after reading the side affects. i think i am more worried about being on them than off!:-*

04-02-12, 17:01
miss sparkle ,You doing the right thing, leaving the meds off until you have bloods back.
I have found anntidepressants have been very helpful in the past, but I am managing without them now. I have the old fashion librium (which are addictive) just for panic.
I tend to panic , but I only take when nessasary,not every day.
Bereavement is an awful thing too, I do sympathise.
Pleas let us know how you get on xx:hugs:

04-02-12, 17:26
Hi Miss Sparkle:)
sorry you are suffering with this hell that is health anxiety . And when you are loving mum it can become disturbing . Lovely to hear you have two beautiful children.
I am of the school that if it is distressing you to the point of not functioning properly, and lets face it you have to cope with young children ...then meds have their place . They allow you to recover and put strategies in place through talking therapy to get to the root of your illness . But yes they have side effects .
Have you support to help you ?

I agree about the media and todays magazines that have lurid headlines . It feeds on the dark side with sensational type emotions :
Not good for any of us . A very unbalanced view of the world we live in .
just hyped up crap actually for money .

Dont read them Miss Sparkle . Do the puzzles .........the problem page .the letters .....but ignore the Jerry Springer type stories :)

I do empathise a lot . Womans Realm with its knitting patterns and love stories and recipes seem to me now more healthy for us anxious ladies in my day .:winks:

you are not there yet though :hugs:......thank goodness eh ?
take care
snow x

miss sparkle
04-02-12, 19:36
thanks snowgoose. I have a amazing husband who is brilliant all round, but he is so unbelievably laid back, he simply cannot understand my constant worry.
it hasn't gotten to the stage i cannot function, but it is slowly starting to take over most of my waking thoughts. i feel as though everyday my first thought is 'how do i feel today' not 'what am i doing today'
i am hoping my results will come back clear, then i am going to try and tackle it without meds if i can, but i am not against them if need be. it obviously stems from realising that we are not immortal, and bad things sometimes happen. i just haven't yet learnt to accept that not everything ends in tragedy.
such a horrible horrible feeling that i never even knew existed until recently :-(