View Full Version : Omg help im panickin!

04-02-12, 17:49
I have this raised lump thing duznt feel lyk a lump, jus luks abit raised, at my left side of my head above my left temple where the jaw muscle tenses! Panickin, dont want to go t docs again! Xx any advice xx

04-02-12, 18:26
How long have you had it?

Could it be an insect bite or a cyst or a boil?

04-02-12, 19:26
Its like the shape of a 5pence, like almost flat but i can see its raised x nobody els see,s to hav it x

04-02-12, 19:43
So could be any of the above things then. See how it is in a weeks time

20-12-12, 00:05
hey jus to let you know it was nothing, But thats what anxiety does when your anxious x