View Full Version : 6th day on Sertraline (Lustral) and my stomach is like a washing machine

04-02-12, 18:37
Started on 50mg of Listral last sunday and have had zero appetite since. I managed a bowl of muesli yetsterday and today and both times I've had to go to the loo a few hours later and it looks like it's just passed straight through me!

Does anyone else have any weird digestive side effects from sertraline?

04-02-12, 19:01
Oh you poor thing - it will be the side effects and yes start up effects always upset my tummy - I get a lot of burning/acidity - drink peppermint/chamomile tea - something soothing or an extra strong mint. All the best - horrible aint it - Laura x

04-02-12, 19:03
Betty I remember they are so, so useful. Sertraline really worked wonders' when I was out for the count.

It is important to remember also how our appetite can be affected by a jolt of depression. And the churning stomach and the like all are interrelated to the condition.

Powdered vitamins in a sachet that you drink are useful. I knw what it feels like whe we have no appetite. But the sachets are so useful unti the appetite restores itself.

Sugary drinks too will give us energy . Hope this helps, Vince

04-02-12, 19:08
Thank you for the replies!

It's just so hard when you have HA and a new set of symptoms show up and you aren't sure what's anxiety, what's medication side-effects or real illness!

04-02-12, 23:04
Hey Betty, I used a medicine which was an equivalent to Lustral (only a different name), with same active ingredients in it.
Please do not stop using it, it's useful. My doc especially asked me to have it after meal, which was breakfast for me. Be sure to take it after meal (it might help with your digestion also). Other than that, try not to think of it's effect in your stomach. It will be totally fine after a week or so :) and after 2-3 weeks you will start feeling better.
So please be strong and continue using your medication :) You won't regret it.
If you have any concern or worries, write here immediately, we will support you as we always do to each other :) Trash the medicine leaflet right away, and never ever read side effects. Those, probably you won't be having any of them. Think it that way and continue. Everything will be amazing!

04-02-12, 23:11
Thank you for your lovely reply, Beyonderz (hope you are feeling OK now too) :)

I am going to persevere with the meds as I really need them. I know this is a temporary thing, but sometimes you just need to know that you're not the only one struggling! It really helps you get things in perspective.

I am just trying to focus on how much better I will feel in a few weeks when they start working. I've felt horrendous since I started taking them. My anxiety has been worse and I have felt more depressed than ever but I am really hoping that it pays off!

04-02-12, 23:25
Yeah :) many people say the same, I also felt a bit more anxious right after I started the medicine but it's definitely temporary. Try to calm yourself down when you feel anxious, you can have total control over your thoughts. Lustral will start helping you with that also, in a few weeks :)

I'm feeling better, almost stopped worrying about that stupid slight pain under my right ribcage and abdomen, also visited doctor. He didn't say much but made like billions of blood tests. Even though the results came back too quick (3 days) it only says that I have high fat in blood (lipids) and I have to start losing my extra weight.
I try not to listen to every single pain in my body, it's so hard really (the pain went away though, maybe because I started using some pills for excessive gas).
I want to concentrate on my drawing projects. This is not a type of life I want to have, spending my energy and mind on stupid fake symptoms. And I do not want to spend my time thinking about those :) I try my best. I hope it goes well.
But I am about to come up with some creative symptom-debunking techniques xD heheh
I'll share in forums, if I can create some interesting ones.

04-02-12, 23:51
Thank you Beyonderz :)

Did you also feel so very tired during the first couple of weeks? I feel like I've been marathon training! But I will not give up on them as I can't go on as I have been.

I'm glad you're feeling better. I have a similar pain to you and it is to do with acid reflux. I wouldn't be shocked if I had fat in my blood as I have managed to pack on a stone over christmas :blush: I definitely need to lose this as I am only short and it's a lot of extra weight for me to carry around!

I said your exact words to my husband last night "I don't want this life" I really don't, it's awful when you dread the alarm going off in the morning because you're scared of facing the day. I want to leap out of bed, full of energy and enthusiasm. It's good that you have something creative to channel energy into. I think I need to get a hobby as I have had too much time on my hands lately and the devil makes work for idle hands 0- the work in my case being Googling for deadly illnesses! :D

05-02-12, 00:41
Hi Betty,

I started on sertraline but it wasn't for me, though I know it's a very popular AD. I'm on venlafaxine and the first few weeks have been quite difficult with raised anxiety and other side effects. I also lived on muesli as it was the only thing I could eat (I couldn't even eat a pizza which is unheard of for me!).

I can really relate to what you're saying, especially about that alarm clock in the morning and not wanting to face another day of the same sort of anxiety. That's me all over.

Stick it out and I know you'll feel better soon.

Take care

Pip x

05-02-12, 00:50
Thank you Pip :)

It's so reassuring to know that others feel the same as me, although if I had it my way none of us would have to feel like this! I too turned down a pizza tonight. My husband was visibly shocked!

I hope that the venlaflaxine works out for you and that you're feeling better soon.


05-02-12, 10:33
I never (specifically) felt tired during the medicine but I am guessing yours is related to general anxiety and stress due to your stomach, also because you are not able to eat much lately. Even though it's because of the medicine, it doesn't really matter. Don't think about those now, your body will not get use to it before two weeks (at most).

I always use such stomach/appetite issues for starting one of my never ending new diets :D heheh
So you started to fight with your anxiety, started a new medication and you want to change your life and thoughts. Add a proper diet (lifetime) and a new hobby to these, voila!
Now it's sort of a reset button for you :) Good luck