View Full Version : Childhood

04-02-12, 18:41
Apologies if this has been discussed already but was just wondering if everyone with anxiety issues has suffered some kind of negative childhood experience or if anxieties can develop even when your upbringing was fulfilled and happy?

I wouldn't say I had a bad upbringing by any means although I do feel there was a lack of affection and issues in later childhood.
This as a knock on greatly affected my self esteem & confidence which I think contribute to the way I am today.

Just interested on thoughts :D

04-02-12, 20:25
I had a great childhood and in a way its made this harder to deal with because it took a while to try to figure out what happened to me and why I developed anxiety/depression.

The only thing I would say is that I feel that in certain areas I wish I was given advice by my parents at a young age. Growing up, there was a lot that just wasn't discussed in our house and had I been given a bit of a heads up on some things then I may have not gone down the path I did. By my parents have always let me make my own mistakes and I can't criticise them for that because I have learned the hard way.

Sure many people on here have had difficulties in childhood, I only had a few issues that developed as I got into my teens and in my case anxiety came knocking at my door when I was in my early to mid 20's.

05-02-12, 04:59
I am a 14 year old and I'm always in fear. I scared about death, war drafts, bombings and many more. My mom gives me lots of support so for me no. I just really want it to stop:weep:

05-02-12, 22:07
louie i was very similar as a child- worrying about nuclear bombs that would end the world to the death of loved ones......
your very lucky to have a supportive mom and its good you can confide in her.
i know sometimes it may feel the worries will never end..... but, at the age of 25 i now have had several long periods of times where i have been fear free, and you will too.
stay positive and hope you will be better soon :)
p.s my childhood was good in some ways but difficult in others- i tend to think i was born this way.

06-02-12, 09:41
I had a great childhood but I moved away to go to school 5 hours ride from my parents when I was 14, maybe it had an influence, maybe not. I wouldn`t know

06-02-12, 16:47
Thanks for your replies :)

theharvestmouse, I can understand when you say it's harder to deal with when you have had a perfectly good childhood as I guess we all look for some kind of reason why we are like we are.

louie, it's great your mom is so supportive! Your still so young and shouldn't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders as you do. Keep positive and in time you'll become strong.

I guess it seems anxiety is just one of them things that happens with no particular cause?? It would be a whole lot easier if we knew why though hey? :shrug:

06-02-12, 17:35
i had a very difficult childhood ......i know things would have been different,had i not seen/been through such traumatic experiences.....but then i believe ....what doesnt kill you makes you stronger,and perhaps i wouldnt have the wonderful family i have now but for these painful lessons....
Ive just been a little ill and need some help putting myself back together again...i have high hopes for the future,which can only be a good thing xx