View Full Version : beach holiday, avoiding panics i hope

17-06-06, 14:46
Hi, all! Going on holiday to beach today. Trying to divert my attention from having panics on plane or in airport, etc. Also, (and you might think this really silly!) I am not allowed to take my trusty can of Lysol on the plane in my bag as it is an aerosol. I have this OCD thing about spraying the hotel room as years ago my little one got really bad tummy bug on a trip to beach, and we ended up having to fly home mid trip, and he was on IV in hospital for two days, poor thing. Anyway, I must shake this and learn to enjoy the holiday, and not think "What if I have a panic, what if my kids get sick...blah blah blah...."
Wish me luck! I will do this thing! LOL :) Taf[:O]