View Full Version : My Left foot has numbness/pins and needles.

04-02-12, 20:19
I had a very long night of partying thursday into Friday. I get home friday and go to bed. I wake up and my foot is half asleep. So I figure it's just like any other case of Pins and needles, and it will go away shortly. However, it's been about 24 hours now and the same feeling is there. And to put it mildly, I'm freaking out because I googled to symptoms and apparently I could have had a minor stroke, or I could have Diabetes.

I'm worried that maybe it's a clogged artery and no blood is getting to my foot.

Do you think it's worth going to the ER for?

And also, the rest of my body feels normal, I think. IDK

Sorry for being all over the place, and I don't even know if people answer quickly on this site, it's my first time here.

And advice would be huge though, thanks.

05-02-12, 12:59
Think it's just an anxiety symtom, I've had something like that before!

06-02-12, 18:01
You did say you had a long night of partying/drinking prior to the foot going numb....is it possible you injured it somehow? I used to play sports a lot when I was younger, and even now after long walks I'll find that my instep just won't contract properly (feels like my foot is just dangling there) and I get a slightly numb sensation. I wouldn't stress about diabetes straight away, unless you have serious indicators (family history, poor diet/obesity etc...)

If you are truly concerned, stop Googling your symptoms, and make an appointment to go see your GP - a lot of things can be ruled out by a professional.

Take care, and I hope it feels better soon.

07-02-12, 04:32
First, stop googling :)

If you don't have any other symptoms, I wouldn't worry about things like diabetes at this point. Since you posted a few days ago, if you're still having the numbness, I'd call the doctor. It may be a very simple problem, but I have had issues with limbs going numb and my doctor told me that's a symptom they want to check out, just to rule out anything serious. (In my case, the numbness was migraine related, so it wasn't serious.)

09-02-12, 16:35
Hey guys.. thanks for your answers. I didn't run to the doctor just yet (it's been about a week). But I don't think I will have to because my foot feels much better. It started out as basically my entire foot was kind of numb with high sensitivity to any touch. But now it's only a small part of my foot.

So it has definitely gotten better and at this pace within another week I think it will be completely gone.

But trust me if that week goes by and it gets worse again, I will surely get it checked out.

Thanks again