View Full Version : Sudden dizziness, etc etc

04-02-12, 23:01
I had a bad attack of this a few weeks before xmas and again tonight. I suddenly feel very drunk, not actual vertigo where the room spins and you cannot move just an increasing feeling peculiar and off balance getting worse over about 15 mins, so hard to describe, I feel as if my head is too heavy and falling around and as I say every unbalanced with floor swaying at times. I then get urgent need to go to the loo ( this could just be adrenaline effect of panicking about feeling so peculiar) and a pounding racing heart. I feel really ill and it last about hour and half and then I am okay again.

It could be due to the bad arthritis in my neck as once my neck and arm ache the weird dizzy balance gets better. I have had sudden attacks of true vertigo over many many years from my neck but that only last a few seconds.

I mentioned it to my Dr before xmas who said it will be your neck but I am of course worrying that these attacks are mini strokes or mini heart attacks:blush:

I am also so frightened of them happening that I am worrying all the time about it.

My husband has also said is they are not my neck then are they from drinking too much decaf coffee as he feels really odd if he drinks alot of decaf coffee ( maybe its not just caffeine that can affect you) and both times I had had alot of decaf coffee for a few days before or is it some weird sort of panic attack although i feel quite happy and fine before it starts.

Just wondered if anyone on here gets anything like this???

04-02-12, 23:15
It sounds like a typical anxiety-driven symptom. I had this a lot before christmas, including a very bad episode in Cafe Rouge after a cup of coffee, where I felt like I'd drunk the bar dry! It was horrible but it does pass. Just sit tight through it if you can and try not to fret over it. :)

miss sparkle
05-02-12, 09:10
sounds like exactly what i have started to get, also started just before Christmas. i didn't feel stressed at the time, but over a month or so of feeling like this, worked myself up because i didn't want to feel like it, and it all starts again! welcome to what i now know is panic anxiety.
my advice would be try and chill, take hot baths etc, and do anything you can to pump thinking about how your feeling, and as you will be fine x

05-02-12, 12:21
Huge thanks both, nice to know I am not alone. Today my neck arm and side of face is aching like heck and I have odd pulling feeling in face and earlobe and tingling in scalp and face so it does look like with me it is all neck related but my panic reaction def does not help at all- not easy to sit on the loo ( panic goes straight to my bowels tmi!) when you the room is swaying:winks:.

One other thing I noticed after it had got better and I went to bed was that I kept getting electric shock type sensations through my body, intense burst of all over tingling for a few seconds really powerful, I again seem to get this whenever I have had panic symptoms???

I think I will go and discuss it with the Dr as its the second attack in 6 weeks and the symptoms were exactly same both times as were the after effects just so I can say I am worried about it being mini strokes:blush:. Believe me I have been grinning and eyebrow lifting to make sure that all my face works okay!

Its almost impossible to know if initially it is my neck or a panic attack because I react the same with panic and any panic will make my neck sieze up anyway??????? Talk about chicken and egg.

I had mri of brain 10 months ago so know I don't have accoustic neuroma or anything and had my carotid arteries ultrasounded 3 years ago and they were perfect so that rules out a few things!

07-02-12, 22:56
Hi..... I have been suffering over the last few days with intense tingling in my mouth neck and head along with dizziness.... this last only a few seconds and then goes away.... Its painless but I feel concerned about it and I suppose that is making it worse!!!... My Dr said its anxiety related but I keep thinking it seems more to do with my ears....or vertigo or something as its worse when I move around..... Is this anything like you have experienced???:D Jo

macc noodle
08-02-12, 08:05
Hey countrygirl

Do you have any exercises to do for your neck arthritis pain?

I have thes same problem and found some useful exercises via Arthritis Research UK - will pm the link to you if you need it.

As I have got older and my resurgence of HA, the neck pain has increased as have the dizzy spells and the weird woolly head feeling!!!

Chicken and egg indeed - know that feeling!

All we can do for the arthritis is improve posture, exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet!

As for the HA - what more can we do than keep fighting the fight :hugs:

eight days a week
08-02-12, 08:19
I have vertigo on and off and in my case it does seem linked to brain chemistry changes/reactions due to extreme anxiety.

I don't think you actually need the room spinning to get that diagnosis from a doctor. I didn't - it's enough that I feel completely unbalanced and that I'm going to fall all the time.

All we can do for the arthritis is improve posture, exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet!

Do you know about or have you tried Epsom salts for arthritis?