View Full Version : dont want to lose her

04-02-12, 23:42
Hey everyone, just wanted some advice really, I've been with my girlfriend for two years now. I had aniexty before I met her, but it had all cleared by the time we got together

In the last two weeks some of my symtoms have returned, going from tight jaw and throat to pain around my face, neck and head , shortness of breathe n just feeling unwell.

I just don't want her to come bored as all were doing at the moment is sitting in doors with me feeling ill, just wished I was as active as I was with my xs before I had aniexty :(

04-02-12, 23:55
Hey man, I figure I'll share my thoughts while I wait around for an answer to my question.

If you guys have been together a couple years, I would assume she knows about your history of anxiety. And if that's the case, she should be willing to work with you in terms of getting over it.

Have you ever thought about getting prescribed to anxiety medication? I know my brother had done that and it really helped him out.

Any chance you can answer my question.. I'm ffreaking out too


07-02-12, 04:28
Hey!! Don't worry itll only make it harder for you to recover.

I too have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. I had horrible anxiety just like yours, where I always felt sick and my throat felt tight, i felt i couldnt breathe or my throat would close, things like that. But I also had that anxiety before I met him, and he never knew about it.

3 months ago I fell back into that slump, wouldn't leave the house and when I did I either made excuses to go home or had horrible attacks the entire time we were out.

My advice would be to explain it to your partner. It will make it much easier on you. Maybe show them websites about anxiety, and that it is a real and horrible thing. We had a very rough time in the begining but we've been having a great time recently, since he understands somewhat what I'm going through.

Good luck, 2 years is a long time, I'm sure things will work out and your relationship will end up stronger for it.

10-02-12, 02:56
Good advice from Buggin Out and Dan'.

I would definitely follow both sets of advice. In other words, it's better to do something than nothing in this case, that is.

I wouldn't rule out your environment Joe. In other words, if I watch the telly I do tend to get very, bored quickly. But if I stew in it for too long it would turn into either anxiety or depression.

Even so, I know how it is when we are depressed and anxious ...going out can also seem boring and frustrating.

For that reason, medication, as Buggin Out advised, is so, so, helpful. And talking too, as Dan' advised, is so important ... if not with your girlfriend then certainly with somebody.

Hope this helps, Good luck, Vince:)