View Full Version : Did IBS cause anxiety or anxiety cause IBS symptoms?

05-02-12, 01:01
Hi all,
I've suffered from IBS for about three years now. At first it was manageable but over time I feel it has got worse. Its majorly impacted on my life and I feel it's a big contributing factor in my anxiety and fear issues. I get scared to go out incase I need the toilet and I can't get to one and scared to eat when I know I'm going out. All these fears have caused other problems to develop. I was just wondering who else feels like IBS may have caused their anxiety issues or have people found that being anxious caused stomach symptoms?

Also how does it affect peoples lives? I'd like reassurance that what I feel is normal! I need to get up at least two hours before I leave to go somewhere to get as much as I can out my system and feel like I very rarely have a good day!

06-02-12, 09:09

I,m the same , theres no way i could go straight to work when i get up , there would be an accicdent .

I generally don,t eat first thing because of this . Anxiety deffo makes ibs worse , one feeds the other so you have to somehow try to ignore it all .

I,ve had ibs for 20 odd years , it can go for long periods of time so you won,t be stuck like you are for ever .

My anxiety started with stomach issues so yes ibs could be fuelling the anxiety .

My worse moment with ibs ...


(i,m going to delete that post soon i,m embarrassed about it now..lol..)

Its different for men i suppose as it must be worse for ladies to worry about an accident , i don,t care anymore and usually annouce the fact but that just me .

25-02-12, 20:50
Anxiety started the IBS. That is my experience anyway. If you can break the cycle then it should improve...