View Full Version : Withdrawal side effects

05-02-12, 05:40
Hello everyone

I was jus wondering when about the withdrawal effects kick in ?
Is it as soon as you miss a dose or what?

I'm just so anxious waiting to see what happens, I still have a really dodgy head at the moment but I have had that when I was on them which was one of the reasons for stopping cause they r too much

Thanks :)

Sorry for the rambling

05-02-12, 10:16
Hi goggy the half life of citalopram is 36 hours, so should be out of your system in 72 hours,

Usually any side effects would be around day 4-5, but you may be lucky as you haven't been on them that long.

Try to keep occupied and don't look for them, you might not get any.....i hope not. good luck and keep well x

05-02-12, 10:20
Hi goggy the half life of citalopram is 36 hours, so should be out of your system in 72 hours,

Usually any side effects would be around day 4-5, but you may be lucky as you haven't been on them that long.

Try to keep occupied and don't look for them, you might not get any.....i hope not. good luck and keep well x

Thanks for that pinkdove :)

My head is ready to explode so I don't know if it's just the same as when I was on it but abit worse or withdrawl setting in but in ready to ride it out :)

How r u feeling?

05-02-12, 10:51
Good for you dan, take painkillers for your headache, and if it is withrawals it will go, are you going to try to go meds free ?

I am ok i think the anxiety is getting a bit better, and have had no side effects from the ven, so just plodding along and hope they kick in soon, this anxiety is a pain, but we will get there. good luck x

05-02-12, 10:55
Good for you dan, take painkillers for your headache, and if it is withrawals it will go, are you going to try to go meds free ?

I am ok i think the anxiety is getting a bit better, and have had no side effects from the ven, so just plodding along and hope they kick in soon, this anxiety is a pain, but we will get there. good luck x

Yeh I've been having nurofen which helps for a short time but I guess it's better than nothing, yeh I'm going to see how I go without meds again cause the past 3 months have just been hell for me so fingers crossed in fine :)

Good to hear ur anxiety is getting better that's a sign they should start working very soon :) an of it gets too much take a little something for it if it will help until the meds kick it :)

05-02-12, 11:13
Thanks for that goggy, if we all support each other we will get there x

05-02-12, 11:23
It is not generally advised to go cold turkey on cit, reduce your dose gradually over a fair interval of time. Just flushing cit from your system does not mean you'll remove any withdrawal symptoms once it is flushed out.

one of us

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Yeh I've been having nurofen which helps for a short time but I guess it's better than nothing, yeh I'm going to see how I go without meds again cause the past 3 months have just been hell for me so fingers crossed in fine :)

Good to hear ur anxiety is getting better that's a sign they should start working very soon :) an of it gets too much take a little something for it if it will help until the meds kick it :)

Nurofen is contra indicated for cit, use paracetemol.

one of us

05-02-12, 11:34
It is not generally advised to go cold turkey on cit, reduce your dose gradually over a fair interval of time. Just flushing cit from your system does not mean you'll remove any withdrawal symptoms once it is flushed out.

one of us

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Nurofen is contra indicated for cit, use paracetemol.

one of us
Hi goggy, i used nurofen when i took cit with no problems at all, it is if you have stomach problems you have to avoid them, in fact i took paracetamol with nurofen on my dr's advice, don't worry x

05-02-12, 11:37
When i stopped my meds i was fine for the first week, then withdrawl kicked in...
everyones different, you may be fine.
ive been off meds neally 6 months now! have good and bad days now...but didnt feel good on meds so had nothing to lose.

05-02-12, 14:48
Yeh I've been having nurofen which helps for a short time but I guess it's better than nothing, yeh I'm going to see how I go without meds again cause the past 3 months have just been hell for me so fingers crossed in fine :)

Good to hear ur anxiety is getting better that's a sign they should start working very soon :) an of it gets too much take a little something for it if it will help until the meds kick it :)

How long you been on your AD for Goggy ? as I am going to stop the fluoxitine I am soo bad been shaking cant eat phoned the gp this morning but they are no help she just said take diazipam which I did and a antisickness I just cant go on anymore I dont know what to do I cant stop shaking

I have been on fluoxitien for 30 days will I get withdrawal from stopping them? anyone help Please :weep:

Cathy xx

05-02-12, 14:51
Dont take one today cathy and get in to see your doc tomo, prozac has a very long half life x x

05-02-12, 14:54
what does that mean ? half life how long will they be in my system

I have already took it I am so unhappy I just dont knwo what to do really bad soo unhappy and scared. :weep:

05-02-12, 14:56
I think you're doing the right thing Cathy. These meds are obviously not for you and you've given them a good go. Prozac has a very long half life, so it stays in your system longer than most SSRI's, so that should help you from suffering withdrawals. Some people coming off other SSRI's are switched to Prozac to help with withdrawals.

Prozac wasn't for me either. Is your GP going to try you on somethings else?

Take care. :) x

---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:55 ----------

P.s. Use your diazepam Cathy. x

05-02-12, 15:07
I will have to go and see the gp tomorrow but I cant take them I have taken one to day I amon 20mg but I just cant stand feeling like this.

Cathy xx

05-02-12, 15:19
Google half life of prozac, i know cits half life is 36 hrs x x

05-02-12, 15:21
Will do Nicola. thanks xx

05-02-12, 21:13
How long you been on your AD for Goggy ? as I am going to stop the fluoxitine I am soo bad been shaking cant eat phoned the gp this morning but they are no help she just said take diazipam which I did and a antisickness I just cant go on anymore I dont know what to do I cant stop shaking

I have been on fluoxitien for 30 days will I get withdrawal from stopping them? anyone help Please :weep:

Cathy xx

I have been on it for about 2 months but it was making me so bad I couldn't take another dose. Alot of people have said cause I havnt been on it long I should get any/much withdrawal effects so I'm just going to ride this week out and see what happens, my head is really bad anyway so can't think it will get much worse
U should be okay too not that I have taken that med before but u havnt been on it too long so it hasn't really started to adjust in your head :)
Goodluck :)

05-02-12, 21:24
No only a month I just cant eat not eaten much today cup of soup a pear and one cheese butty.

What will you try next goggy? I am thinking of cit as they worked for me but the SE were awful but when I started to feel good after 3 months well I came off after another 3 months as thought I didnt need them any more. What a fool I was?

I know you was taking cit did they make you sick? is that why you've come off them?

cathy xx

05-02-12, 21:32
No only a month I just cant eat not eaten much today cup of soup a pear and one cheese butty.

What will you try next goggy? I am thinking of cit as they worked for me but the SE were awful but when I started to feel good after 3 months well I came off after another 3 months as thought I didnt need them any more. What a fool I was?

I know you was taking cit did they make you sick? is that why you've come off them?

cathy xx

Oh okay maybe u r still having side effsects? Maybe that's why you can't really eat?
I'm going to see how I go without meds again cause the last couple of months have been way worse than how I was b4 but if I can't I'm thinking of Zoloft .
If cit work for u before it might be a good idea to try again cause you know the side effects so u will be ready for them so u can find ways of coping with them.
I got really bad se but got past them but I only had like 1 good day out of tge week and then they started giving me the worst head pain in my life so I had to stop and my head is still killing me :( So they mustn't be out of my system yet even though this is day 4

05-02-12, 21:44
Yes I did remember the headachs but they did go the jaw clenching was the worse for me and the achy joints. jesus the more I think about these AD the more I just wish I could cope without them well I did before sep 2010.

good luck with the withdrawals I think I can cope with the physical SE I just dont like the mental part.

Cathy xx

07-02-12, 14:11
I have been on citalopram 30mg for 2 years on day 5 of a lower dose hoping to come off them completely. I feel fine no side effects at all .I think if you come off them very slowly you will be ok. I was feeling very tired all the time and normally go back to bed after taking my son to school but the tiredness seems to have gone still hungry though! Hang in there you will be ok there are lots of people on here going through the same thing so you have lots of support :)

09-02-12, 07:59
Hi everyone , hope you are all doing well?
I was just wondering if hightened depression is a withdrawl effect or just my usual depression?

09-02-12, 12:06
Hi goggy, how are you getting on, yes you can get a low mood with withrawal, how long has it been now? and are you coping?

i am just plodding along day 8 on the ven and very up and down, but still early day's so hoping for improvement soon.

let us know how you are doing xx

13-02-12, 03:36
Hi goggy, how are you getting on, yes you can get a low mood with withrawal, how long has it been now? and are you coping?

i am just plodding along day 8 on the ven and very up and down, but still early day's so hoping for improvement soon.

let us know how you are doing xx

Hi pinkdove :)
I still have a very low mood and agitated by every little thing but it's been nearly 2 weeks do I'm hoping it will go away soon just like the head whooshes have done!
How are u getting on with your new meds any improvements?

13-02-12, 22:17
Hi Goggy well done, you are doing great, i am still very up and down, it will be 2 weeks tomorrow, so still early days, i think there has been a slight improvement....so here's hoping xx