View Full Version : Brain neurological hypochondria/health anxiety

05-02-12, 06:12

Is it possible to get brain/neurological hypochondria? For example worrying about every little perception or mind thing/feeling - visual field analyzing etc? I seem to be getting more and more neuro symptoms include cognitive impairment, motion blur in my vision and the like. I notice something new everyday and get more and more stressed. I am probably having a reaction to my Zoloft (upped the dose to 100mg and things got worse) too.

Anyone out there with hypochondria like this that have beaten it?

Is it possible to make the neuro symptoms worse be constantly thinking about them?

miss polly
05-02-12, 11:51
Yes it is not only possible, but very common! Both my sister and I suffer with this. It seems to have taken over from our cancer worries atm! It's not helped by the fact that our mother suffers from a terrible neurological condition which has left her virtually in a vegetable like state.
The more you focus on yourself the worse it gets. I too notice eye issues, balance issues, cognitive impairment issues, speech issues ~ the list is endless, but I know from past worries that I can convince myself I have anything by concentrating on it. I'm trying to come to terms with what will be will be and to just live for the day. Today we're healthy and none of us know what the future holds so why stress over the unknown?
Easier said than done, but we've got to make the effort not to wallow in it. I'm 50 and I've been convinced too many times to count since the age of 25 that I'm on the verge of death and enough is enough! I'm still here and barring a gall bladder op nothing has happened to me! Don't waste your youth worrying yourself sick over nothing.
Have you tried CBT? My doctor mentioned it last time I saw her and I refused, but I'm thinking maybe I should give it a go as I believe it has a good success rate. xx

05-02-12, 19:03
This is extremely common, to monitor your head, thoughts, hearing , eyes, certain new feelings in your eyes, analising your vision looking at white walls and seeing loads of dots.

All part of health anxiety just another part of your body you can analyse

Search my name on here for the eye stuff I experienced a few years back,

Also remember when anxious your body is hypersensitive so if you are focusing on your hearing for example you will hear a pin drop from a mile away.

I remember I worked in a call centre 10 years back I freaked one day because i was hearing the voices on the headsets of other sales reps .